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RunSafer Workshop

Thu June 13, 2019 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 US Directions


RunSafer Workshop

6:00PM EDT - 7:00PM EDT


543 N Main St
Ann Arbor, MI US 48103


Time and time again we read headlines about runners, joggers, and walkers being assaulted while out exercising. RunSafer is a program created by Two-Time Olympic Distance Runner and Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Todd Williams. This one hour session will teach you safety techniques and tips to help protect yourself in a dangerous situation.

This workshop will be held at Wildly Fit's Movement Lab (543 N Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103) from 6 to 7pm on Thursday, June 13th. Participants will received a $10 off coupon for a pair of shoes to AARC. Must attend clinic to receive coupon.

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