Beulah, MI US 49617
5K run through downtown Beulah, orchards, woods, that ends the last 3/4 mile on the gravel trail leading up to old depot building. Begins at Beulah Beach and ends just across the street at the old train depot.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
AWARDS: 5K—Plaques awarded to 1st and 2nd place overall winners in the men’s and women’s divisions and 1st place overall in the men’s and women’s master’s divistions.. Medals awarded for the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each age group. You or your representative must be present to claim
your medal. If you medal is NOT claimed on July 4th, you may pick it up at the Benzie County Chamber
of Commerce office July 5th thru 10th between 9 am and 5 pm. CLCBA regrets it can no longer mail
medals or T-shirts. Walk/run participants will receive a ribbon for finishing the race.
Lodging Info
LODGING INFO: Call 231-882-5801 (Benzie County Chamber of Commerce)
Race Day Registration
RACE DAY REGISTRATION: Downtown Beulah (In the Village Park) 6:45 to 7:45 AM.
Time & Place
TIME & PLACE: Monday, July 4th, 2011. 5K starts promptly at 8 am. The Walk/Run starts at 9 am.
Both races start and finish near the Village Park in downtown Beulah on Crystal Lake.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.