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Cross Country Coaches National Youth Qualifier

Sat October 26, 2019 Dexter, MI 48130 US Directions



8801 N. Territorial Rd,
Dexter, MI US 48130


Cross Country meet at Hudson Mills Metro park. Distances are 2K, 3K, 4K, and  5K. There is also an open 5K race for anyone wanting to run a cross country race. Medals for the top 6 in each age group.

This meet is a Qualifier meet for the "Cross Country Coaches National Youth Championships", which takes place Saturday November 23 at "Blue River Memorial Park" in Shelbyville, IN. The web-site for the National meet, which draws an estimated 2000 youth athletes from across the country every year, is here:

The top 3 "scoring teams" and the next 20 individual runners in each "single-year" youth age-division will advance from THIS meet to the NATIONAL meet in Shelbyville. The youth age-divisions are as follows:
Age 6-8 division (kids born in 2011-later, running the 2K race)
Age 9-10 division (kids born in 2009-10, running the 3K race)
Age 11-12 division (kids born in 2007-08, running the 3K race)
Age 13-14 division (kids born in 2005-06, running the 4K race)
Age 15-16 division (kids born in 2003-04, running the 5K race)
Age 17-18 division (kids born between 11/24/2000 and 12/31/2001, running the 5K race)

For more information on how to qualify for the National meet in Indiana, please visit:

NOTE: There will be combined age-divisions in some races, but athletes will be ranked separated. For example, there will be "age 15-16" kids (born in 2003-04) and "age 17-18" kids (born in 2001-02) running in the same High-School 5K race, but they will all be ranked separately. So the top 3 "scoring teams", the next 20 "age-15-16" kids, and the next 20 "age 17-18" kids -- will all advance to the National meet (per gender).

"Scoring teams" are 2-year teams, so in the example above: five (5) or more kids born in 2004 or 2003 from the same club/gender in the High-School 5K race are a "scoring team". "Scoring teams" must have at least 5 runners. So if there are twelve "age 15-16" girls among the top three (3) girl "scoring teams" in the High School 5K race, then there can be as many as 32 "age-15-16" girls advancing to the Nationals.


1. Even though there is an Open 5K race for adults, only the youth athletes running in the 5K are eligible to compete in the National Championship, since the age limit for the National Championship is 18 years old (kids who were born on or after 11/24/2000).

2. Youth Enduro Sports (YES) memberships are NOT required for this Qualifier meet. The $25 entry fee includes the YES insurance cost for this Qualifier. Athletes who advance to the National Championship and decide to attend will have a purchase a YES membership for the National meet.

3. Since this qualifier meet is being sanctioned by the YES National office, it is being conducted as such. So athletes MUST compete in their proper events, based on their birth-year age-division. High School athletes who normally compete in the 5K in their school meets, who will be still be 14 years old by the end of this year (freshman) HAVE to run the 4K in this meet -- athletes cannot "move up" from the 3K to the 4K, or move up from the 4K to the 5K.

4. Medals will be given to the top-6 finishers in each age-division.

5. Sunglasses (courtesy of "Running Fit") will also be awarded to the top 2 finishers in each age-division.

For more information on the "CCCNYC" National meet, please visit

Race Contact Info

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5K Course Map

4K course map

3K course map

2K course map

Race T-shirt (Orange)

National Meet Flyer

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.



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