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Rockin & Strollin 5K

Mon July 26 - Sun August 1 Directions


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


The Rockin & Strollin virtual 5K will be held July 26th through August 1st. You will have a week to get outside and safely accomplish a 5K distance benefiting the children and families supported at Comprehensive Therapy Center (CTC). 100% of proceeds from the 5K will be going directly to local families and children receiving services at CTC. We believe in creating an inclusive community that continues to advocate for children and adults with developmental disabilities. For this reason, Rockin and Strollin 5K was created to be inclusive of all, so we invite you to complete your 5K however you feel comfortable. This can be walking, running, strolling, or rolling. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

How to Complete a Virtual 5K

Step 1: Sign up!
Sign up for the Rockin & Strollin 5K.

Step 2: Training
Train for your 5k! Whether you are running, walking, rolling, or strolling, please remember to listen to your body and be safe. We will be cheering you on every step of the way on our facebook event, Rockin & Strollin Virtual 5K. Join us for some free motivation, routes in the GR area, and health and wellness tips.

Step 3: Participate
Participate in accomplishing a 5K distance (3.1 miles) during the week of July 26th-August 1st.

How to Post Virtual Results

1. Click on the results tab on the main registration page.

2. Click "Submit Virtual Results"

3. Find yourself by entering your name.

4. Enter your time.

Results may take a few minutes to update, so it may take a moment to see yourself on the leaderboard. 


This year's race is virtual. We invite you to choose a safe route in your area to get outside and support the families and children receiving services from Comprehensive Therapy Center!


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Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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