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Hanson Hills Winter Programs

Tue January 7 - Sun March 2 Grayling, MI 49738 US Directions



01/11 - 02/15 11:00AM EST - 12:00PM EST

Snowboard Academy

01/11 - 02/15 11:00AM EST - 12:00PM EST


01/12 - 02/16 11:00AM EST - 12:30PM EST


01/12 - 02/16 11:00AM EST - 12:30PM EST


01/14 - 02/11 3:30PM EST - 5:00PM EST


01/13 - 02/11 3:30PM EST - 5:00PM EST

Hanson Hills Race Team (HHRT)

01/12 - 02/02 12:30PM EST - 2:30PM EST

Grayling Middle School Ski Team

01/07 - 03/02 12:30PM EST - 2:30PM EST


PO Box 361
Grayling, MI US 49738


Check out all of our great Winter Learn to ski programs.  Use this site to register your child ONLINE.

Hanson Hills Hoppers:

A six-week program specially designed for children from ages 4-7 years old. This program is animated and colorful to keep the attention of our young students. Lessons are held Saturdays at 11:00am -12:30pm starting on January 11, 2025. Each lesson will last an hour and a half, and then students will be allowed to stay and ski the rest of the day. Package includes equipment rental including helmet and lift ticket for the day. Participants will receive a certificate and a Hoppers pin. Class fee: $230.00 (package is $600.00 value) 

Snowboard Academy:

A six-week program specially designed for beginners ages 6-14 years old. This program will teach students the fundamentals to snowboarding, including turning and stopping. Each class will last an hour and a half. Participants will receive a certificate and a pin. The program cost $230.00 which includes equipment rental and lift ticket for the day ($600.00 value). Class is held at Hanson Hills Recreation Area Saturdays at 1:00pm -2:30pm starting January 11, 2025. 

CASD 9th-12th Learn to Ski Free Program: 

Sponsored by the Grayling Recreation Authority &
Grayling Youth Booster Club

This program is for NEW skiers only! Crawford AuSable School District 9th- 12th grades.

Your child will attend one (1) day a week. Class will meet on Tuesdays for five (5) weeks beginning January 14, 2025. BEGINNER Lessons will be given from 3:30-5pm. Parents: Transportation to Hanson Hills will be provided by the Crawford County Transportation Authority at no charge. You must pick up your child at 5 p.m. If CASD is closed due to scheduled days or ½ days off, or inclement weather, ski lessons will be cancelled. 

CASD 3rd & 8th Learn to Ski Free Program: 

Sponsored by the Grayling Recreation Authority &
Grayling Youth Booster Club

This program is for NEW skiers only! Crawford AuSable School District 3rd & 8th grades.

Your child will attend one (1) day a week. Class will meet on Monday or Tuesdays for five (5) weeks beginning January 13, 2025. BEGINNER Lessons will be given from 3:30-5pm. Parents: Transportation to Hanson Hills will be provided by the Crawford County Transportation Authority at no charge. You must pick up your child at 5 p.m. If CASD is closed due to scheduled days or ½ days off, or inclement weather, ski lessons will be cancelled. 

Hanson Hills Race Team (HHRT): 

 Sundays: 12:30 to 2:30 January 12,19,26,Feb. 2nd

Sponsored by AuSable Family Dental. This program is for kids that know how to ski and have an interest in racing. HHRT coaches will teach fundamentals to racing and give kids an opportunity to race on a slalom course. Equipment and a Hanson Hills Lift ticket is required. Weekly Medals!   Participate every week for a FREE Hooded Sweatshirt!


This six-week program will be held on Sunday’s from 11:00am to 12:30pm beginning January 12, 2025. Students will learn to match skis into skidded turn, learn proper body positioning, increase speed and stability and ski other varied terrain. The six-week program cost $230.00 ($600.00 value) includes equipment rental and lift ticket for the day. Students will also receive certificate and pin. Program is held at Hanson Hills Recreation Area. Skier must be able to stop and turn prior to starting class. Recommended for ages 5-12 years.



This six-week program will be held on Sunday’s from 11:00am to 12:30pm beginning January 12, 2025. Students will learn to refine the skidded turn to an edge turn and increase speed and stability learn to ski in a more dynamic way. The six-week program cost $230.00 ($600.00 value) includes equipment rental and lift ticket for the day.  Students will also receive certificate and pin. Program is held at Hanson Hills Recreation Authority. Skier must be able to make a skidded turn prior to starting class. Recommended for ages 6-12 years. 

Grayling Middle School Ski Team:

Practice Begins Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at Hanson Hills from 3:45 – 5:00 PM. Practice and race schedule will be provided at first practice. 

Racing meets in local area to be determined. No transportation provided

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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