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Heart & Soul 5k

Sun October 7, 2018 Howell, MI 48843 US Directions


Heart & Soul 5K Run/Walk

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT


Howell High School
1200 W Grand River
Howell, MI US 48843


Running Lab is partnering with Ainsley's Angels SE Michigan and Livingston County Special Olympics for a 5K walk/run on October 7th, 2018 on the Howell High School Campus, in Howell Michigan. This race will support both of these non-profit charities with the funds staying local to help these programs.

The course will be a fast and flat out and back, great for that end of the year PR!

The mission of Special Olympics Michigan is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics has an ongoing need to raise funds for rental fees at practice facilities, uniforms and to attend games/tournaments. 

Ainsley's Angels mission is to ensure everyone can experience endurance events, Ainsley's Angels of America aims to build awareness about America's special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. Serving as advocates to providing education and participating as active members in local communities, we believe everyone deserves to be included.  They race funds to buy specialized racing wheelchairs then find volunteer runners to push people in races. 

Neither of these charities charge their athletes anything to take part and they survive completely on donations.

Participants will receive a custom tech multipurpose neck gaiter and after-race snacks & water! 

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