Race Website
Additional race information can be found at https://karfasttrack.wordpress.com/.
Kalamazoo, MI US 49007
Join us for the spring session of the 2025 Fast Track 5k and 10K Training Program (Kalamazoo) presented by Kalamazoo Area Runners (KAR). The Fast Track program offers three levels of workouts designed to meet your goals whether beginner or experienced runner. Led by trained KAR coaches, the program targets the Kalamazoo Klassic and includes training schedules, individual guidance, clinics and structured Tuesday track workouts in a fun and supportive environment. New this year, an optional, companion, endurance based, workout (lactic thresholds, tempos, etc.) will be offered Thursday evening at 6:00. The Tuesday track sessions are conducted at 6:00 pm Tuesday nights (beginner, walk-to-run group begins at 5:30) at WMU Kanley Track and programs run 9 weeks from April 15 to June 10.
Program Levels:
* Fast Track I (Beginner Walk to Run 5k Program) – Geared towards transitioning the new runner from walking to running and completion of a first 5k.
* Fast Track II (Introduction to Speedwork 5k & 10k Program) – Geared towards transitioning a runner who has some 5k and/or 10k running experience, but is new to track workouts and is looking for a lower mileage program (under 20 miles/week).
* Fast Track III (Competitive Speedwork 5k & 10k Program) – Geared towards competitive runners with 5k and/or 10k racing and track workout experience who are seeking optimal performance and/or a higher mileage (20 + miles week).
Program is $35 ($45 after April 30) to members of KAR and registration will remain open through May 15 or until the 100 participant cap is attained, whichever is sooner. Participants may join (new members) or renew (existing members) their KAR membership upon registration. (Membership is $20/student; $25/individual and $35/household per year.
5K & 10K Training
The overall objective of Fast Track is to make you a fundamentally faster runner. That starts with organizing training groups. Training partners make it easier and more enjoyable to run fast. Once we have training groups put together, we will work on several of the secrets of running faster: springy muscles and quicker muscle contraction. Along the way we will improve things like lactic threshold, anaerobic capacity, lactic buffering, and aerobic capacity, all of which is intended to not only make you a faster runner but give you the confidence to run faster.
The Tuesday track workouts will cycle through four separate sub-target-race distance paces and one target race distance pace workouts. In the cycle, one day’s workout will be intervals at mile race pace, one day at 3k race pace, one day at 800 race pace, and one day at 5k or 10k pace. The pace for the intervals will be based on your current VO2Max ability (or goal race pace). The second time through the cycle, the pace will be dropped to match the improvement in your fitness.
The Thursday, off-track, workouts will focus on improving your lactic threshold (the foundation of racing endurance). The workouts will be either steady runs at lactic threshold pace or intervals at lactic threshold pace. Your threshold pace will be determined by your VO2Max. The first workouts will be relatively short in volume and then increase as the weeks progress.
Session Organization
Practices will start with an explanation of the workouts and its goals. Then, to prepare for running fast, we will do a warm-up run followed by warm-up drills. After the warm-up we will break into pace groups. The pace groups will be organized according to VO2Max paces. After the workout we will always do a cool-down run and some stretching (if time). The number of intervals will always be given in a range, the Fast Track II runners (those runner fewer miles per week) can do the shorter end of the range, and the Fast Track III runners can do the high end of the range.
Tentative Workout Schedule
Tuesday Thursday
April 15 & 17 800 pace Marathon pace
2-3 x (3 x 150) 15-25 minutes
April 22 & 24 3000 pace Lactic Threshold pace
2-3 x (3 x 400) 2-3 x 10 minutes
April 29, May 1 Mile pace Lactic Threshold pace
2 x (4 x 300) 15-20 minutes
May 6 & 8 5k or 10k pace Marathon pace
5k – 3-5 x 600 20-30 minutes
10k – 4-8 x 800
May 13 & 15 800 pace Lactic Threshold pace 2% faster
2-3 x (3 x 200) 2-3 x 10 minutes
May 20 & 22 3000 pace Lactic Threshold pace 2% faster
2-3 x (3 x 500) 15 – 20 minutes
May 27 & 29 Mile pace Lactic Threshold pace
(6 x 400) (2 x 400) 20-30 minutes
June 3 & 5 5k or 10k pace Lactic Threshold pace
5k – 4-6 x 800 3-4 x 5 minutes
10k – 5-8 x 1000
June 10 & 12 Peak week Peak week
5k 2 x 800 warn-up
10k 2-3 x 1000 3 x 100
Walk-to-Run Training Plan
The objective of the walk-to-run training plan is to build the leg strength to finish a 5k, to build the aerobic conditioning to finish a 5k, to build the confidence to finish a 5k, and to teach good running habits (good movement). To accomplish these goals, Tuesday’s track workouts will focus on the technical side of running: good movement and leg strength. As the workouts progress, we will turn those good running habits onto endurance.
Tentative Training Schedule
Tuesdays Thursdays
April 15 & 17 Testing Walk 40 minutes
Foot plant drill mix in running
5-10 x 100 good form
April 22 & 24 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form drills run 2 min, walk 3 min.
5-10 x 150 good form
April 29, May 1 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form drills Run 5 min., walk 3 min.
5-10 x 200 good form
May 6 & 8 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form drills Run 9 min., walk 3 min.
5-10 x 100 fast
May 13 & 15 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form Drills Run 12 min., walk 3 min.
4 x 200 good form
run 4 x 400
May 20 & 22 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form Drills Run 15 min., walk 3
Run 4 x 800
May 27 & 29 Warm-up Walk 40 minutes
Form Drills Run 20 min., walk 5
Run 3 x 1200
June 3 & 5 Warm-up Walk 40
Form drills Run 30 min.
Run 2 x mile
June 10 & 12 Warm-up Walk 30 minutes
Form drills Strides Mix in some running
Run 10 minutes
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.