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Compassion4Kids - CANCELLED for 2020

Sat October 17, 2020 Lansing, MI 48911 US Directions


5k Run/Walk

9:45AM EDT

10k Run

9:30AM EDT

1 Mile

9:00AM EDT

Race CANCELLED for 2020

The Compassion4Kids run will be postponed until 2021. There will be not be a race in 2020.  Stay tuned for details on a 2021 date.

Thank you for your support.


1950 E Jolly Rd
Lansing, MI US 48911


Race fee includes Long sleeve T-Shirt. Race t-shirts guaranteed for registrations received by October 5th, 2020.

Course: Accurate 5K and 10K courses. All miles marked.
Awards: 5 year anniversary Kenya Compassion medals for all 5k and 10k participants 
Age Groups: 12 & under, 13-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

Packet Pickup and Registration:
Friday, October 16th: 9am-5pm (Trinity office 3355 Dunckel Road Lansing, MI 48911) or Saturday, October 17th: 7-9am (Maguire Park Pavilion)

T-shirts are guaranteed with a paid entry by October 5th. T-shirts available as quantities last after that date.

Run or Walk, and join the Compassion4Kids story by helping children and teens in Kenya, Africa.  In 2015, through the help of a race and a concert, we raised $15,000 to provide gutter systems and clean water storage tanks to the dry areas of Makueni, Kenya.  These fundraising events also led to the sponsorship of more children through Compassion International’s child-sponsorship program.   

In 2016, it was our goal to provide funds that will benefit two communities in Kenya.  100% of the profits went directly to Kenya!  In rural Makueni, we will help finance building construction projects (i.e. classrooms), while in the Korogocho slum of Nairobi, urban youth will be trained and equipped for jobs, trades, and careers through a new youth development program.   This race was very successful !   $4,000 raised and being put to use !  In 2019,  The race was also very successful,   and lots of resources are being provided for the youth.   We are very excited about our 5 year anniversary in 2020 ! 

100% of the profits of the 2020 race will go directly to Kenya! This year our goal is to provide the youth of communities with learning materials for their resource centers (i.e. textbooks, workbooks, and Bibles). Hope is growing in these African communities, and we want to fan the flame of that hope! Thank you for supporting our vision!

The race will be chipped timed by the Michigan Running Foundation. Results will be posted during the race and on the web at

Refer friends and get a $10 refund!!

Get the word out to your friends about this great race! When you refer 3 or more participants you'll get a refund of up to $10.00! Details provided at checkout.

Donate and receive a FREE entry!

If you would like to support our cause and get a free entry to the race donate $50. When you register for the race your entry will be free! Simply Sign Up and follow the steps to register and on the donation screen enter $50. ($30 discount applied during checkout) Donate $25 and you'll receive a $10 discount off your race entry fee (5k and 10K races)

Help Provide Support to the Young People of Kenya!

Children from Makueni, Kenya

Course Map

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Printable Entry Form

2020 Form coming soon!





2018 Video - Awesome drone footage!!

Check out our video from 2018! Awesome drone footage and information on where proceeds for this race go to.


Michigan Fitness Challenge & Governor's Council Endorsement

This race is endorsed by The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and part of the Michigan Fitness Foundation Challenge. The challenge encourages Michiganders to engage with events that promote physical activity, health and wellness. You will receive a FIT point for every endorsed event you participate in or volunteer for from January 1 until December 31st. Points earn cool swag and a chance to win various prizes! To sign up and learn more click HERE. There is no cost to this challenge.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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