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Halloween Madness

Sat October 29, 2022 Milford, MI 48381 US Directions


Halloween Madness

8:00AM EDT


1280 Holden rd.
Milford, MI US 48381


Come get your workout in before your treats! Teams of 3 will compete in a long CrossFit endurance event. Upon Completion of each stage of the event, the team will earn a letter to spell H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N! The team with the fastest time wins!

Heat 1 Start: 8:00AM 

Heat 2 Start: 9:30AM 


**½ Mile Team Run Buy-In
150 Lateral Over the Bar Burpees 
150 Cal Row
150 Toes To Bar
150 Synchro Forward Lunges 
1/2 Mile #45 Plate Carry
150 S/A DB Hang Clean & Jerk #50/35 
150 Barbell Deadlift #155/115
150 Cal Bike
150 Wallballs #20/14
**½ Mile Team Run Cash-Out
Tips for Registering:
- Select "Multi-Person Pricing" on the first page of the registration
- After all information is entered for the 3 teammates, select "create new group/team" for the first athlete. This is where you create a team name. The next two athletes select "join the same group/team as (athlete 1)"
  • Teams must be mixed (at least one person of the opposite gender) 
  • Teams are responsible for changing their own weights and moving their own equipment, however the judge is allowed to help. 
  • Synchronous Lunges must be completed with all 3 people on the team moving at once. For the rep to count, all three knees have to touch the ground at the same time and all athletes must achieve full hip and knee extension. Arms must stay off the legs. Synchronous Burpees must be completed with 2 athletes working at a time while 1 athlete rests. Athletes must have their chest touching the floor at the same time. When both athletes jump over the bar and land, the rep will be counted. Two foot takeoff is required, but you are allowed to step out your burpees, like the Open standard. 
  • All other work can be broken up by teams as they see fit.
  • During the plate carry, only 1 teammate is holding the plate at a time, switch as often as needed.
  • If you cannot perform with the weights prescribed, you can scale the weight but will be out of contention for winning. 

Extra Info: 

  • Costumes are encouraged but not required 
  • Everyone gets donuts, cider & coffee
  • Winning Team will receive a prize for fastest time to complete the event. 
  • In the event of a tie, there will be a tie break competition. 

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