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Mon June 17 - Thu June 27 Okemos, MI 48864 US Directions


Eastside Track and Field

6:00PM EDT - 7:00PM EDT


The Playmakers Fitness Foundation along with Okemos and Haslett Cross Country and Track programs have teamed up to offer a summer track program for children ages 5-14. The Eastside Youth Summer Track Club will provide an introduction to track and field events and an opportunity for kids to take part in general fitness activities in a fun and welcoming atmosphere.

Instruction will be provided by Okemos and Haslett Cross Country and Track coaches with assistance from current and former athletes.

The hour-long sessions will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 at the Okemos High School track. The program will kick off on Monday, June 17, and run through Thursday, June 27.  

Attendance at every session is not required.

Eastside Youth Summer Track and Field - Basic Information

Program Dates: June 17; June 18; June 20; June 24; June 25; June 26 (optional Grand Ledge Ribbon Meet) and June 27 (Meridian Mile at Meridian Township Offices)

Time:​ 6:00-7:00 p.m. for children ages 5-9 and 7:00-8:00 p.m. for children ages 10-14.

Location:​ Okemos High School Track

Program Cost: $75 per child.

The program fee will cover 5 track club sessions, a participant t-shirt, and an entry for the Meridian Mile event on June 27th. Net proceeds from the program and all donations will be designated by the Playmakers Fitness Foundation to the Okemos and Haslett Cross Country and Track Programs.

Have any questions or interested in volunteering? Please contact Nate Stuart at or Erika Parsons at




2800 Jolly Road
Okemos, MI US 48864

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