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Pump and Pints 5k

Sun September 22, 2019 Wixom, MI 48393 US Directions


5k Pump and Run

9:30AM EDT

5k Run Only

9:30AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


49805 Pontiac Trail
Gibson House
Wixom, MI US 48393


Pump and Pints is a 5k pump and run with a bench press strength challenge. Each repetition completed on the bench press will reduce a participants run time by 30 seconds. The amount of weight a participant must bench press is assigned based on gender, bodyweight and age. A maximum of 30 reps is allowed for a total reduction of 15 minutes. The overall winner will be based on the fastest adjusted time. Awards will be given to top 3 Men and Women. Registration includes six-pack can coolers, koozies, bracelet and a beer ticket!

Example Participant - Susan, 49, weighs 165lbs. According to the weight chart she must bench press 95lbs. Susan completes 10 repetitions with 95lbs. She earns a time reduction of 5 minutes (10 reps @ 30 seconds each). Susan runs her 5k in 28min 30sec. Her official race time is 23min 30 sec (28min 30sec minus the 5 minutes she earned from her bench press).

**Note: Participants have the option to run a 5k only and skip the bench press challenge. These participants will have recorded times however they will not be ranked against Pump & Run official results or be eligible for Top 3 Awards.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


  • 1st,2nd,3rd Men and Women Overall
  • Age division winners (men and women 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+)


On site and across street at Drafting Table Brewing Co.



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