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Anoka 100 Year 5k

Sat October 31, 2020 Anoka, MN 55303 US


1601 S. 4th Ave
Anoka, MN US 55303


Calling all ghosts and ghouls to join us for a socially distanced celebration of Anoka's 100th year as The Halloween Capital of the World!

Due to Covid, most things have been cancelled and Anoka deserves to celebrate it's day. We will be having a socially distanced "non-organized" community 5k run/walk through the neighborhood and park to show our love for Anoka and Halloween. Come dressed in your costume to get a little sweaty and spooky! 

The Deets:

This is just a bunch of weirdos who like to run getting together with other weirdos who like to run on Halloween morning.

By joining the run, you take all responsibility for anything that happens to you. Obey all traffic laws and stay on the sidewalks where possible. We are encouraging people to socially distance and wear masks. There wont be any bathrooms available. If you don't feel comfortable, we encourage you to attend the virtual event. 

The start will be at the Zion Church parking lot on the cross streets of 3rd Ave and Jefferson and end in the same area. Zion is in no way a sponsor or affiliate of this socially distanced community run. There is a lot of public/street parking in the area so please be respectful of the neighbors. The route map will be posted in a few days on the Facebook page. 

You will be assigned a start time and bib number when you arrive, so please try to show up with your entire group or you'll end up leaving them in the dust. Groups of 10 will be released every 2 minutes.

***For a $20 registration fee you will receive:***
 - a super neat sweatshirt made and custom designed locally
 - a cheap plastic handmade medal that's truly one of a kind and slightly disappointing

*if you sign up for the virtual event, we will mail you your sweatshirt and medal*

***All proceeds will be split between the Anoka Ramsey Athletic Association and the Coon Rapids Youth Hockey Association. which is kinda neat.***

If you just want to run and don't want to pay $20 or get a dope sweatshirt and cruddy medal feel free to just show up the day of. All athletes are welcomed.

When you are done and a sweaty mess, we encourage everyone to go Downtown Anoka and support the local small businesses.

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