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Turkey Trot benefiting Infants Remembered In Silence, Inc

Thu November 26, 2020 Faribault, MN 55021 US Directions



7:00AM CST


7:00AM CST


7:00AM CST

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704 17th St SW
Faribault, MN US 55021


Tot Trot, Gobble Wobble, 5K Walk/Run, 10K Run, Virtual Walk/Run.  Come trot your way into Thanksgiving while earning that extra piece of pie while raising funds for Infants Remembered In Silence.

We would like to thank you for your patience, kindness, suggestions, and support as we make adjustments to the 12th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot. We have been preparing for the 2020 Turkey Trot for 14 months and are very excited to host this annual fundraising event. We have been working with Rice County, the City of Faribault, School District 656, and Gopher State Events to ensure the best possible and safest experience for you, your family, and friends!

Please note: We will adhere to COVID-19 guidelines from the City, State, and the CDC. This year everything could change with little notice. When you are registering please be sure to provide us with your current email address and add and to your safe sender list.

We have made many positive changes to our onsite event but we do understand if you would feel more comfortable participating in the Turkey Trot virtually. We have had a virtual component to the Turkey Trot for many years, it allows you to support Infants Remembered In Silence© from anywhere in the world, at anytime on November 26th. We encourage you to participate in the Turkey Trot however you feel most comfortable. All runners and walkers will have the option to receive Race Swag Bags to commemorate their hard work and efforts to raise funds and awareness for IRIS.

Please read all of the information carefully as there are many changes to the Turkey Trot including but not limited to:

1.       Curbside Check-in at the Faribault Middle School on Wednesday November 25th from 4:00 – 6:30 PM. Please do not leave your car, we will come to you.

2.       Registration and Check-in on November 26th will be at the Middle School.

3.       Register online until 8 AM Thanksgiving morning.

4.       Race Start times: When you arrive at the middle school on Thanksgiving morning you will be asked to promptly begin your race. There will be No Large Group Start.

5.       START your run or walk at any time between 7 – 8:30 AM.

6.       Tot Trot and Gobble Wobble will begin at 8 AM, please meet at the Flagpole.

7.       We will Not be using the Middle School Gyms, everything will be outside, dress accordingly.

8.       Finish times for chip timed runners will be posted on the IRIS Website.

9.       Prizes will be awarded to the overall women's and men's winners and the first place finishers in each age bracket.

10.    Prizes can be picked up at the IRIS Office the week after the race.

11.    All virtual runners will not be eligible for prizes; however random drawings will be held for all virtual runners and walkers.

All proceeds will benefit Infants Remembered In Silence, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to offering parents, families, friends and professionals support, education and resources on the death of a child.

Funds raised will be used to provide bereavement support to families who have had a child die in early pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, miscarriage, etc.) or from stillbirth, neo-natal death, birth defects, illness, accident, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) (accidental suffocation, strangulation, overlay, etc.), and all other types of infants and early childhood death.


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