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Volunteer Instruction Sheets

  1. Scroll to find your position.
  2. Click the link to access your instruction sheet
  3. Review all information on the sheet.
  4. Contact race staff with questions prior to race day.

Important: All volunteers must check-in with race staff either in person or via text. Folx in course positions should check-in via text message from their locations and do not have to come to the start and finish area to check-in.

Volunteers on course must wear a high visibility vest that can be picked up at Duluth Running Co. on Wednesday, November 27th: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Vests can be returned to Duluth Running Co. on race day or after.

If you are volunteering at the Start/Finish Area on race day, you do not have to pick up a vest on Wednesday, we will have vests for those who will need one. 


Start & Finish Area

Thank You!

We cannot thank you all enough for your support of the Gobble Gallop. Volunteers like you make this run something that our community looks forward to every year!


The Gobble Gallop Pom Beanie

All volunteers get one!

The Gobble Gallop was established in 2006 and is produced by Duluth Running Company. This event is supported by the City of Duluth, the Duluth Police Department, our partners, amazing volunteers and the Twin Ports community!

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