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3rd Annual Grain Valley Fair Virtual 5K and Family Fun Run/Walk.

Sat September 12, 2020 Grain Valley, MO 64029 US Directions

This race has been switched to a virtual run!

For the safety of our participants and spectators, and under the guidelines of our local government, this race will now be held virtually. You can run this race on our pre-determined route on your own time or on a route of your choosing. Stay tuned for more information regarding your race swag. Thank you for your support!


711 Main Street
Grain Valley, MO US 64029


Come join us at the Grain Valley Fair 5K on September 12, 2020 at 8am .
The 5K  will start and end at City Hall right next to the Grain Valley Fair.  Unfortunately due to COVID 19 the physical event will not take place this year, but you can still virtually attend and participant.

The Family Fun Run/Walk and Kid's Fun Run will be a shorter distance for those wishing to participate, but not wanting to do the entire 5K course.  Shirt & medal pick up will be at the Fair from 5:00 till 7:30 on September 11th and from 11:00-6:00 on September 12th

Proceeds from this event will be donated to local charities at Christmas time.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Age Group awards will be given in the following age groups:

10 and under, 11-15, 16-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 60+


To be guarantee a t-shirt, you MUST register by 9/4/2020.

Packet Pickup

Packets can be picked up at the Grain Valley Fair between 4 PM and 7 PM on Friday September 11th.  Then again before the race starting at 7 AM on September 12th.  Look for the 5K banner towards the entrance of the Fair behind the Grain Valley Community Center at 713 Main Street.

Finisher Medals

You must be one of the first 250 to sign up to guarantee a finisher medal.

Course Map

Here's a map of the course we planned to run live.  Feel free to do your virtual with this same course or any other.  

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.




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