Springfield, MO US 65804
This year is extra special - we're celebrating 25 years of Potter's House! You are invited to join us at our 3rd Annual Potter's House - Steve Proffitt Legacy 5K & Fun Run. This is our third year officially hosting our 5K walk, jog and race, all serving as an opportunity to come together and raise funds for Potter's House, "the coffee shop that loves you back". Since 1999, the not-for-profit has been a home away from home and safe place for students to study, fellowship, and connect - all over a cup of coffee. Now in addition to the coffee shop we have the Studio next door where we weekly hold small group meetings and fellowship for International Students. This annual event also gives the opportunity to honor and celebrate the amazing life and ministry of co-founder Steve Proffitt (1954-2021).
*Must register by March 21, 2025 to guarantee shirt
See more at:
Prizes will be Potter's House swag and coffee gift certificates for winners in each category of runners.
- 1st place M/F 14&under
- 1st place M/F 15-19
- 1st place M/F 20-29
- 1st place M/F 30-39
- 1st place M/F 40-49
- 1st place M/F 50+
Virtual Registrants:
- Packets will be sent the week following the in-person event.
Stay tuned for a treat after you complete the 5K!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
About POHO
It all started as a dream.
In 1999, Steve and Berna Proffitt dreamed up the idea of a cozy coffee house ministry that was open late to provide a safe space for students to study, fellowship, and connect - all over a cup of coffee.
With more than 42,000 college students here in Springfield, and more than 1,000 international students - it became very apparent that the “mission field” Steve and Berna were called to was not “over there,” but “right here.” The Potter’s House officially opened the doors in November 2000. What began with about 20 college students meeting weekly in Steve and Berna’s home, Potter’s House has grown to more than 800 students walking through the doors every week.
Since opening in 1999, right across from Missouri State University, Potter’s House has lovingly been coined “the coffee house that loves you back.” Steve and Berna hit the ground running, and soon added Samson Latchison to the staff. These three ministered side by side to college students, spanning two plus decades.
In doing life together, also comes walking through dark and low valleys. Starting in August of 2019, Steve was admitted to Cox Hospital for a heart attack. Eventually, he was diagnosed with Smoldering Myeloma Associated AL Amyloidosis, a rare form of cancer. During this incredibly difficult time, the Potter’s House family came around the Proffitts with prayer, testimony of how the Lord had worked through them through their ministry, and so much more. On October 6th, 2021, Steve left this earth to be with the Father after his long fought battle with cancer.
While still alive, Steve had a strong vision for the Potter’s House - as well as the white house that sits right next door to the coffee shop. The vision was this - that in God’s timing, the space could be used for the same ministry and purpose - to bring students together to Him. After Steve’s passing, his wife Berna - amongst overwhelming grief - picked up that same vision. The white house next door would become new territory for the Potter’s House, and serve as a space for small group gatherings, intentional fellowship and study for international students in our area, as well as a safe place for counseling - and so much more. In nine months after raising support and being able to get the building, the white house next door has been renovated and ready for use!
Through God’s call and provision, the Potter’s House is so excited to expand into this new space. Sitting next door to the Potter’s House is now - the Potter’s Studio. Through our coffee house and the Studio, the mission remains the same, though the reach increases.
Potter’s House is a not-for-profit, faith-based ministry, supported entirely by the generous donations of individuals, businesses and churches. Without this financial support, we could not stay open for the thousands of students who come here for support, encouragement, mentoring, and community every year. Meeting our annual budget can only be accomplished through the regular, generous donations of people just like yourself. This year - we are excited to gather and show support together, in our first annual celebration 5K + walk.
Whether you are a current student, have visited Potter’s House before or call it home, have also been impacted by cancer, are a runner in our community, or to celebrate the life of our dear friend Steve Proffitt - you are personally invited to join us in our 2nd Annual Steve Proffitt Celebration 5K and family fun walk. From the decades of ministry over cups of coffee on South National Avenue, to persevering through grief into the new space in the Studio - there is much to celebrate. You are invited to gather with us this Spring at the Potter’s House at 9am to run, or walk - on your own, with a friend, or with your whole family. The more the merrier! We’re so thankful for your support and friendship. We couldn’t do it without you!
Route Map
5K Frequently Asked Questions
Can I run with my dog?
Yes, you may run with your dog. Your dog must be on a leash and well behaved. Please be prepared to pick up anything your dog leaves behind on or off course. We also ask that you and your dog start towards the back of the start corral. Unless specifically stated, dogs are allowed to run with their owners, on a leash at all times, at all Heartland Racing Co. foot-running events. Exceptions to this policy do apply and can be inquired about at any time. Any USATF Certified and Sanctioned Courses do not allow running with dogs.
Can I run/walk with my stroller?
Yes, we ask that you start towards the back of the corral and be extra aware of your surroundings.
Can I run with headphones?
Short Answer, no. Long Answer, yes; if your headphones are an open air design that conducts sound through bone conduction. There are never headphones allowed in Multi-sport, cycling, or swimming events, however.
Race Bib Placement
Your Race Bib should be placed on the front of your body, from the waist to mid-chest. It can be attached with pins, magnets, or to a race belt. Your Race Bib should NOT be folded, cut, or altered in any way. Alteration to your bib can damage the timing chip on the back of it and increases the possibility of us not being able to “time” you. If you choose to alter your bib, you are solely responsible if you get to the finish-line with missing times or no time at all.
Inclement Weather
All Heartland Racing Co. Events are rain or shine. However, safety is our number one priority. If there is lightning, participants will be required to seek shelter and wait for 15 min. Every lightning strike that is seen, the stopwatch of a 15-minute waiting period is started over. We make every effort to not cancel or shorten an event but we will do whatever is necessary to keep all participants, volunteers, and staff safe. Any weather related cancellations are non-refundable. If an event is “cancelled” the entire event is switched to virtual.
Packet Pickup
Packet pickup will take place on Friday, April 4th at The Studio, next to Potter’s House, from 4-7pm. Please bring a picture i.d. Participants who pick up their packets on the 4th will receive $1 off any Potter’s House drink (valid April 4th from 4-7pm)! For out of town participants, pickup will also be held on Saturday morning from 7:30-8:30am. Please pickup on Friday if possible.
Who receives a race shirt?
Race day shirts were ordered for participants (and sponsors) who completed registration by the March 21st deadline. Participants who registered by the above date will receive the size that they requested (size switching is not permitted unfortunately since the shirts were made to order).
How early can I arrive on race day?
Racers should arrive an hour before the 9am event begins-8 am.
Where can I park?
Parking will be in the Missouri State Parking Lot 29 (across National, in front of Monroe Apartments (not the Welcome Center Visitor Parking, but rather the MSU lot to the North). For participants who need handicapped accessibility, there will be limited reserved parking in the Bear Chapel parking lot. Additional free parking in the surrounding areas.
Awards & After Party
We will host an awards ceremony during our After Party immediately following the race. Participants can enjoy free Parlor Donuts, as well as coffee provided by Potter’s House! Participants need to be present to collect their prize. Virtual friends aren’t a part of the award portion.
Where can I find race pictures?
Pictures will be posted to our socials, Facebook and Instagram, following the race.
I’m a virtual runner, when can I expect my shirt?
We will send all virtual runner’s shirts within two weeks of the race’s completion-sooner, if we’re able.
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