5K Run/Walk
1 Mile Memory Walk
Each year Lost & Found hosts a memorial event and 5K to bring our community together to honor the memory of loved ones who have died. Our Run & Remember event is more than a 5K. This is an opportunity for you to invite people to remember your loved one with you alongside other people in the community who have experienced a loss.
MOMENT OF REMEMBRANCE: Race awards will begin at roughly 7:30 as most runners finish the race. Immediately following that, we will have a short memorial program.
MEMORIAL SIGNS: If you ordered a memorial sign, you may view it in the Memorial Garden located in the park. You may take your sign with you on the day of the event or pick it up from Lost & Found. Tune into social media for updates from the event.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Jordan Valley Park
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