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Lane Purser Memorial Road Race Series

Sun July 14 - Sun November 17 Memphis, TN 38187 US Directions

Series Info

  • No awards given at individual races. Awards are Male/Female three-deep in Overall, Age Group, Master, Sr. Master and Grand Master, based on fastest cumulative time using the best time per distance.
  • To be eligible for a competitive award (overall, age-group or masters) you must complete at least one race of each distance. To be a "Road Warrior" you must run all 10 races. To be considered a "series finisher" you must complete either one race of each distance or any six races (Note: If you run any six races, but do not run at least one of each distance, you are not eligible for an age group or overall award.) Series Finishers will receive a special Finisher's Item. Road Warriors will receive the Finsher's Item plus a personalized trophy.
  • NO strollers are allowed in the Series.
  • NO dogs are allowed in the Series.
  • Single-race participants WILL NOT receive a technical shirt OR a *Finisher’s Item* but will be eligible to win a competitive award if he or she completes one race of each distance.
  • In view of MRTC's commitment to health and fitness, we have created a children's Mini-Series for children ages 12 and under, consisting of the two 5K's, two 5-Milers and two 10K’s. Many health care professionals agree that pre-adolescent children should not run distances greater than 10K. Therefore, children ages 12 and under will not be allowed to compete in the 10 mile or half marathon distance events. Any runner 12 years and under who runs any of the last four races (which includes two 10 mile and two half-marathon races) will not receive an official time and will be disqualified from age group placement, Finisher, Road Warrior, and/or Mini-Series awards. All participants who register for the entire Mini-Series will receive a shirt. Mini-series awards will be Overall, 3 deep, there will not be age group awards.
  • Questions on scoring or other rules may be directed to the MRTC Board of Directors where all decisions are final.
  • Time Limits ~~ For the safety of participants and to reduce the burden on our volunteers, all participants in the 10 Mile and Half Marathon distances will be required to maintain a minimum pace of 20 min/mile in order to be allowed to complete and receive a finishing time for those distances only. In the 10 Miler, those participants who do not reach the 8 mile water station by 2 hours 40 min after the start (approx. 9:40 am) will be offered a ride back to the finish area. Volunteers will start taking down the finish structure 3 hours 20 min after the race start (approx. 10:20 am). For the half marathon, volunteers will start taking down the finish structure 4 hour 22 min after the race start (approx. 11:22 am). Those participants who are not in a position to finish by that time will be offered a ride back to the finish area. Participants who intend to walk the entire RRS (or otherwise may not be able to maintain a 20 min/mile pace) are encouraged to do the first 6 events to guarantee their status as an ‘Official Finisher’.

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