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Superhero Virtual 5K Run/Walk

Fri January 1 - Tue February 2 Biloxi, MS 39530-4220 US


Biloxi, MS US 39530-4220


Put on your favorite running shoes, superhero costume, and mittens - and join us for our Superhero VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk to support Mississippi Heroes.  It takes a selfless person to take care of another. We have made it our mission to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate nonprofessional Caregivers in our area who choose to serve those in need on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.  At Mississippi Heroes, we celebrate everyday, family caregivers like heroes!  

This is a virtual race, so you can complete your 5K anytime between January 1st - January 31st, 2021; it's so simple!  Just sign up, pay your fee, and walk/run!  We'd love it if you'd share pictures of yourself as you're completing your SUPERHERO 5K, so we can spread the excitement across our Facebook page and website!  Every runner/walker who shares a race photo on our Facebook page dressed in a Superhero costume will be entered into a drawing for a prize to be awarded on February 5th.  Be sure to tag Mississippi Heroes and also use a hashtag for both Mississippi Heroes and to indicate your city and state, too!  (#MississippiHeroes  #BiloxiMS)!

Once you've paid your registration fee, we'll mail your medal directly to you You can download your personalized race bib from the registration site, and your finisher's certificate will be mailed to you after you upload your time into the run website!  Due to COVID-19 restrictions and the virtual platform we are using, there is no need to print the confirmation e-mail to pick up your package; again, we will automatically mail your medal and you can print a virtual running bib!

Please e-mail us at with any questions!  Thank you for your support of Mississippi Heroes!  We greatly appreciate you!



Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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