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Sat December 3, 2016 Ocean Springs, MS 39564 US Directions

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Ocean Springs, MS US 39564


SMATF’s (a non-profit 501(c)(3) and Mississippi registered charitable organization) mission is to educate the public about the prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS while providing services to those affected. Our goals include:

Provide education for the public in an effort to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS, to encourage voluntary modification of behaviors which place individuals at increased risk of infection with the HIV/AIDS, and to reduce irrational fear and stigmatization of persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Advocate for or directly provide necessary services to those affected by HIV/AIDS including but not limited to social, health, counseling, referral, and housing services.
Collaborate with various agencies working to provide HIV/AIDS education and services.

Provide a forum for the exchange of HIV/AIDS information, educational materials and other resources.

SMATF BRIDGE FOR LIFE RUN/WALK is an annual fundraising event to raise support for achieving our mission and goals.



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