Race Postponed
New Date: TBD
We are postponing the race due to Covid-19. Future date is TBD.
40th Almost-Annual Park to Paradise Triathlon
Saturday April 25th, 2020
Gardiner, MT
Boat 7 miles Run 4 miles Bike 17.5 miles
Team Racing Categories: Men, Women, Coed (people who train for the race)
Team Recreational Categories: Men, Women, Coed (people who wish they had trained for the race)
2 Solo Categories: Women and Men (people who are really awesome)
A team is comprised of one-two boaters, one runner, and one biker (2-4 total people allowed).
Everyone must provide their own pit crew and support (there are no water stations).
Boaters must wear life jackets; bikers must wear helmets. All racers must be at least 13 years old.
Food, drink, and prizes will take place after the race at Arch Park (or the Community Center in inclement weather).
Race Specifics: Boat the Yellowstone River from Brogan’s Landing river access to Yankee Jim river access; run from Yankee Jim river access north on Hwy 89 through Yankee Jim Canyon to Carbella green boxes (Tom Miner Cr road); then bike across the Carbella bridge on Tom Miner Cr. road and turn south onto the Old Yellowstone Trail road all the way to Arch Park. All participants are encouraged to preview the race course in advance of race day. River conditions may warrant cancellation of the boat leg of the race.
Race Cost: $20 per person online registration, $25/person day of race registration. Online registration will close on Wednesday April 22th, at 8 pm; after that, only race day registration will be allowed.
Race Day Registration: 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Yankee Jim river access, Custer Gallatin National Forest (just south of Yankee Jim Canyon off Hwy 89).
Boat Drop: All boats should be dropped at Brogan’s Landing river access prior to arrival at registration and packet pickup. Race personnel will be on hand to watch boats before the race starts. We will help you affix your race number to boat before race begins.
Packet Pickup: Packet pick up will be race day from 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Yankee Jim river access.
Race Meeting (mandatory for participants): 10 am, Yankee Jim river access (same location as registration).
Bus Transportation to start area: Boat participants will be transported to the start area at Brogan’s Landing river access at 10:10 am due to very limited parking at Brogan’s.
Race Start: 10:30 am at Brogan’s Landing river access.
Grazing Permits and Raffle Tickets: Non-racers can buy a grazing permit if they’d also like to eat ($5/person, 10 and under free), and bring extra cash to enter the raffle drawing for prizes.
All proceeds of the race will go to the Greater Gardiner Community Council and the Gardiner Community Center, which is in dire need of structural stabilization.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Yellowstone River Yankee Jim River Access, Hwy 89, south end of Yankee Jim Canyon, roughly 10.5 miles north of Gardiner, MT
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Race Participant Survey
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