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Bearcat on the Beach 5k and Fun Run

Sat June 1, 2019 Lavina, MT 59046 US Directions


Bearcat on the Beach 5k

10:00AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT

Bearcat on the Beach Fun Run

10:30AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT

Bearcat on the Beach 5k 9 & under

10:00AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT
Open to ages 9 and under.

Bearcat on the Beach Fun Run 9 & under

10:30AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT
Open to ages 9 and under.


Lavina City Park
Main Street
Lavina, MT US 59046


Bearcat on the Beach 5k and Fun Run is a fundraising event sponsored by the Lavina School Association to benefit the school and community.  There will be a 5k starting and ending at the Lavina City Park as well as a 1 mile Fun Run.  A BBQ will follow and all racers eat for free.  Registration is as follows:  $25 for 5k, $20 for 1 mile Fun Run and $10 for runners 9 and under.  There will be prizes for 1st place male and female in each age category and a finisher medal for all!  5k starts at 10am and 1 mile will start at 10:30.

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