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Mount Dean Stone Trail Work

Sat September 19 - Sat October 10 Missoula, MT 59801 US


September 19th Workday

09/19 9:00AM MDT - 3:00PM MDT

September 26th Workday

09/26 9:00AM MDT - 3:00PM MDT

September 27th Workday

09/27 9:00AM MDT - 3:00PM MDT

October 10th Workday

10/10 9:00AM MDT - 3:00PM MDT


2820 Higgins Ave
Missoula, MT US 59801


Thank you for volunteering to help finish the High, Wide, and Handsome Trail on the Mount Dean Stone Corridor! These work days, hosted by Five Valleys Land Trust and MTB Missoula, will help put the finishing touches on the trail. Work involves raking, trimming, grooming, and general smoothing of the path. 

COVID precautions are mandatory. Please bring a mask or face covering and expect to work socially distanced from the rest of the crew. 

We will be meeting in the Lewis and Clark Park and Ride just south of Dornblaser Stadium at 9am. From there we will carpool (masks mandatory) up to the work site. Because of COVID protocols we ask that you pack your own lunch. We will have water available to refill bottles as needed. Please also bring gloves, water bottle, your favorite snack, and sense of adventure. We will return to the Lewis and Clark Park and Ride between 3pm and 4pm. 

While we are extremely excited to share the new trail, please keep in mind that the trail is CLOSED to public access and is on private property until 2021. We encourage you to enjoy your time up on Dean Stone while helping us complete the trail, but refrain from further exploration until next year.

For more information on the Dean Stone Corridor please visit us at

Please email with any questions. 

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