Missoula, MT US 59801
You know that meme that says something along the lines of..."Imagine falling in love with someone only to find out that their family gets up at 6 a.m on Thanksgiving to run a 5k." I have never related to anything more. Except in my case, I was perfectly aware of my partner's dedication to fitness. And alas, here I am on the eve of Thanksgiving drinking a beer and planning a virtual 5k for friends and family.
We miss everyone so much and are so sad not to be traveling for Thanksgiving or Christmas. This virtual race is an attempt and hope to keep the spirit of the morning 5k alive - be it for the early risers excited to set a course record or for the grumpy gooses complaining the whole way. Word on the street is that I don't actually have to run that far in the morning because Melly can't go that far yet.
Hamish swears that he can run a sub 18 minute 5k. So, register and then run and send us your times and prove to him that you are the fastest in the land! Happy trottin' y'all!!
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