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Sapphire Physical Therapy: Winter Strength and Conditioning

Mon January 6 - Wed February 26 Missoula, MT 59801 US Directions



1705 Bow St.
Missoula, MT US 59801


A guided 8-week strength and conditioning course for runners, cyclists, skiers, and endurance sports enthusiasts alike. We will meet twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) for heavy resistance and plyometric exercises led by our physical therapists. This includes pre- and post- strength testing measures for proven results. You should strengthen to run, bike, ski, play, not run/ bike/ ski/ play to strengthen!

This year we are excited to offer an evening strength class for those who are pregnant, postpartum, and post-menopausal. Each session will include education on the pelvic floor (what it is, how to know if you are contracting/relaxing correctly, bladder health, etc.) and modifications will be provided to accommodate for any pelvic floor dysfunction or baby bump. 

Limited seats are available to make class a fun environment and not overcrowded when working hard.

Race Contact Info

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