Sponsorship Opportunities
The Fourth Annual Northfield Memory Mile aims to raise awareness of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease while raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Association’s Longest Day campaign. Our goal is to raise $8,000 to help advance patient care and outcomes.
Scheduled for Saturday, June 21, this family-friendly, one-mile run/walk will be held at Memorial Park in Dundas in conjunction with the Northfield Retirement Community, Three Links Health Services and the Dundas Dukes. Participants can enjoy food and beverages from the Dundas Dukes concession stand and live music from the Gabe Marchan Group following the race/walk. We’ve kept registration fees affordable to encourage more attendance.
Your Pace or Mine Running Club (Road Runners Club of America Group nonprofit exemption #2702 / tax ID #99-1300954), invites you to join us in raising money for a worthy cause, bringing the community together and raising awareness of your business/organization.
Sponsorship Levels
Premier: $800
- Name and logo displayed prominently on race website
- Multiple Facebook social media posts leading up to and following event
- Call outs in pre-race emails to past participants and current participants
- Opportunity to distribute a marketing piece to participants
- Logo at finish line
- PA recognition on race day
- On-course signage
- Mentions in any media interviews conducted prior to the event and a post-event news release
- Four free race entries
Gold: $500
- Name and logo on website
- Opportunity to distribute a marketing piece to participants
- Name and logo at finish line
- Recognition by PA announcer
- Multiple Facebook posts in advance of and following events
- Two free race entries
Silver: $250
- Name and logo on website
- Recognition by PA announcer
- Recognition on Facebook
Bronze: $100
- Name on website
- Recognition on Facebook
Have different ideas on how you would like to support the Memory Mile? Email us at milltownmarathon@gmail.com or call Dale Fredrickson at 612.282.0262. We are happy to create a unique program for your brand initiatives.