MIM Olympic Course Review
Saturday, May 10, 2025
MIM Olympic Swim Course 1500 Meters
The swim starts and swim finishes are located behind the stage on the north side of Hyde Lake: the transition area is in front of the stage. The swimmers will line up in numeric order starting on the east side of the stage and enter the water every three seconds, starting at 6:30 am. The swimmers will take a quick left turn and swim east to make a turn to swim back west. The swimmers will swim past the islands, keeping the islands to their left. Once past the islands the swimmers will take a right and a right to swim back toward the stage and a last left to get back to the transition.
MIM Olympic Bike Course 40K
MIM Olympic Run Course 10K
Once you rack your bike or make your relay exchange you will run toward the east end of the transition area to get on the path that will take you around Hyde Lake in a counter clock-wise direction, once past the FedEx Convention Center and Coastal Fish continue around the lake toward the transition area, Turn right at the run sign to take you away from the lake and another right to take to Great View Dr. next to the Fed Ex Center. You will then cross Great View Dr. to get on a paved path and run up to Great View Dr. Cross Great View Dr, where you will take a left on a paved path, run Parallel to Great View Dr. and take a right turn on The Chickasaw Trail that leads you toward Pine Lake. Run the Chickasaw Trail around the northern part of the park and past Chickasaw Lake and cross Pine Lake Dr, cross over Great View Dr. North and run to the transition area via the paved path next to Great View Dr. Right on a path across Great View Dr. toward the Fed Ex Convention Center. Take a right to cross Great View Dr., run past the Fed Ex Convention Center Parking lot and straight to the finish line.
Saturday May 11, 2024
Sprint Swim Course 1/3 Mile (586 Yards)
The swim starts and finishes are located behind the stage on the north side of Hyde Lake. The swimmers will line up in numeric order east of the stage to enter the water and swim an elongated triangle that will keep you in front of the islands. The swimmers will exit west of the stage.
Sprint Bike Course 16.6 miles
Sprint Run Course 3 Miles
After you rack your bike, you will run toward the west exit of the transition and run on the same paved path that you biked out on. Before you get to Great View Dr you will take a right and run down toward Hyde Lake, you will take a right near the lake and run around the lake counterclockwise. Run past the stage along the lake and take a right to go uphill to the water stop behind the visitor center. The 10K runs across the road on the Chickasaw trail, the 3 milers turn left to continue around the lake. Keep running counterclockwise to the other side of the lake to mile two water stop, keep running along the lake, run past Coastal Fish and the convention center and back to the stage a take a right before the stage and then a left to the finish line.