Frequently Asked Questions
What's included with the registration fee?
Admission to the event, a sweet medal and t-shirt, chip timing, professional action shot photos and an awesome experience!
What does OCR stand for?
OCR stands for Obstacle Course Race. An OCR race combines trail running with obstacles, such as walls that you will climb over, things you will crawl under, monkey bars and other things that you will hang and traverse across, and carrying heavy things like sandbags, and more. You'll also get to play in some mud. Races likes Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Savage Race...these are all different brands of OCR. We've also seen OCR's referred to as "Mud Runs", "Adventure Races", or "Mudders". Sometimes when we're trying to explain to people what an OCR is, we'll get the occasional "Oh is that like Ninja Warrior?". Sort of. You'll see some similarity in obstacles, but OCR is OUTDOORS with trail running in-between obstacles.
What types of people do the Midwest OCR?
Athletes and adventure seekers looking for new challenges. Runners who want to do something more than just the same 5k and other distance runs. Military and other hardcore outdoor thrill seekers, dads, moms, grandmas, and grandpas. Basically it's for anyone who likes doing fun and crazy things.
What is the minimum age limit to participate?
Kids 14 and up can run/walk the race without adult supervision.
Kids ages 10-13 may run/walk the 5K or 10K (just for fun division) with a parent/guardian alongside them.
We have a Kid's Course for kiddos ages 4-11. The Kid's Course is about a 1/2 mile long with around 10 obstacles. Parents may accompany and/or assist their kids while on the course.
How do I train for Midwest OCR?
Getting outside and hitting the trails is always going to be helpful in preparing for an OCR. Anything that works grip strength is also going to be very beneficial. Things like going to your local park and playing around on monkey bars, climbing a rope at a crossfit gym, carrying heavy things around your backyard, these are all going to be helpful in getting you ready for race day. Some people will come out with the intention to win and will train like beasts, while others just come out to have fun and don't do any sort of training, and they'll finish when they finish.
What should I bring?
A great attitude.
Your ID to pick up your packet.
Cash or Card for extra Midwest OCR swag, food, etc.
A change of clothes and a towel. We'll have hoses to rinse off and changing stations.
How long is the course?
We have THREE different race distances: 5K (3.1 miles), 10K (6.2 miles), and a multi-lap option of the 10k loop. We also offer a 1/4 - 1/2 mile kid's course, for kiddos under the age of 12, which they can go through multiple times, if they don't want all the fun to stop. Kids ages 10 to 13 can run/walk in the just-for-fun waves alongside a parent or guardian. Kids 14+ can race in any of our divisions.
What is the Bearded Challenge?
If one lap isn't enough, then take on The Bearded Challenge, which is THREE laps of the 10k course, for a total of 18.6 miles and over 100 obstacles. Your first lap will earn you the original finisher's medal. Each additional lap will earn you a medal piece that will connect to your finisher's medal, regardless of obstacle completion.
Can I compete for a podium spot in both the 10k and The Bearded Challenge?
No. However, if you are competing in the 10K competitive division and would like to go out for more laps and try to complete The Bearded Challenge FOR FUN, because you want to go have more play time on the obstacles or you want to earn the additional medal pieces, you can do both. You just can't COMPETE for podiums in both. When signing up for the 10K Competitive division, there will be an option to add on extra laps for $20. Whether you complete one extra lap or two, it's still only $20. For each additional lap, you'll earn a medal piece that will connect to your finisher's medal.
Where is packet pick up?
We will have early packet pick up on Friday night (9/26/25) from 4-6pm at the race venue.
Otherwise, you may pick up your race packet the morning of the race, at the race venue. We recommend arriving, at least, an hour before your wave time to get checked in and ready for your start time.
Bathrooms and Water Stops?
There will be portable restrooms located near the festival area. There are no restrooms located along the course, unless you consider Mother Nature as one. There will be water stations around every mile and a half throughout the course.
Will there be a Course Map?
YES! The course map is released during race week, usually on either the Thursday or Friday before the race. Be sure you're following us on Instagram and Facebook because you'll get to see a lot of behind the scenes stuff leading up to the race, course previews and obstacle demos. Plus, we love connecting and getting to chat with you!
What if I can't complete an obstacle?
If you're running in a non-competitive (aka. just for fun) division, you are not required, NOR expected, to complete all the obstacles. Give it your best shot and just keep going. There's NO penalties for failing an obstacle. We want you to have fun and get to the finish line! If you're running in one of our competitive divisions, 100% obstacle completion is REQUIRED to earn a podium spot. Failing obstacles in the competitive division only takes you out of contention of earning a podium. Competitive racers will surrender their competitive wristband and then go on to complete the race. You still earn your medal and finisher's shirt.
What if I can't run the whole course?
Then WALK it! You can run, walk or crawl, just keep moving and get to the finish line. Go at your own pace and have fun! The course closes at 3pm, and the last wave goes off at 12pm. You got this!
Is my family allowed to come and watch?
ABSOLUTELY! There is no spectator fee and we'd love to see your friends and family come out to cheer for you. The course is very spectator friendly and you'll be able to walk around and cheer on athletes as they take on the course. Spectators will need to check-in at the registration tent and sign a waiver to be on the property.
Are volunteers needed?
Oh gosh yes! Our main priority is getting volunteers on race day. We also have volunteer opportunities during build week and post race to help set up the course, and clean up afterwards. Click on the Volunteer tab for more info. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Can I still earn a free race entry if I volunteer in the afternoon on race day?
Limited positions are available that provide volunteers the opportunity to run in the morning and volunteer in the afternoon. Volunteers must pay and register for their race online and select a wave time that will allow them to complete the race in time for their shift. If you complete your entire shift, you will receive a refund of your entry fee the week following the race.
What should I wear?
Normal running clothes work fine, just keep in mind that you will get dirty. Shoes that have some grip to them work best, such as a trail running shoe. You don't have to be fancy here, an old pair of shoes, t-shirt and shorts works too. We even see people do these types of events in costumes, which can make for great pictures!
Is there a time limit?
The course closes at 3pm. You could probably walk the entire 10K course in about 3 hours (roughly pacing around 30 minutes per mile), and half of that if you're doing the 5K course. If you think you need more time, just sign up for an early wave.
Is the 10K just two loops of the 5k course?
No. All racers start and finish at the same point, but there will be a split in the course where the 10k racers will go on to keep doing more mileage and more obstacles. Racers running the 10K or The Bearded Challenge (endurance) will see EVERY obstacle on the course.
What's the parking situation?
You have two options for parking:
$25 VIP Parking On-site - Must be pre-paid online BEFORE race day, as the space is limited.
During registration, if spots are still available, you will have an option to add VIP parking when signing up. If you have already registered and would like to add on VIP Parking, you will need to login to your runsignup account, click on MY PROFILE>MANAGE MY REGISTRATION>UPDATE ADD ONS and then if you see an option for VIP Parking, you can add it on there. If you do not see an option for VIP Parking, that means all the spots have already been reserved, and you will need to plan on parking in the General Parking off-site location. (which is only 2 miles away).
$10 General Parking Off-site (There will be a bus to shuttle you to and from the race venue.)
General Parking is located at Four Star Campground (2 miles away) and there will be a bus picking up/dropping off about every 15-20 minutes, from 7am-5pm
Do you offer refunds if I can't make the event for any reason?
We do not offer refunds. If you are concerned with something happening that could prevent you from showing up on race day (being sick, family emergency, and several other reasons), you have the option to add racer insurance. This is something offered through runsignup, that you can add on with your registration, so if something were to come up that would prevent you from racing, you wouldn't lose out on your race fee. Be sure you read the details of the coverage, so you know exactly what's covered under the insurance.
In the rare case that something happens that is beyond our control and would force us to shut down, the event will convert to a Virtual event, whereas racers can complete their race at a place of their own choosing. Midwest OCR will ship your swag directly to your home at no cost to you.
Can I defer my race entry to next years event?
Yes! In the event that you cannot attend the race, you may defer your entry and use it towards next years event. Click HERE to learn how to do a deferral.
How do I become a Sponsor?
Check out our sponsor page HERE. If you have any questions, please contact us at for details.