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Mississippi Blues Marathon, Half, 10K & 5K

February 22, 2025 Jackson, MS 39201 US

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the marathon take place?

The 18th Annual Mississippi Blues Marathon and Half Marathon will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2025, in Jackson, Mississippi.  The event will start and finish from the Mississippi State Capitol Complex, 500 High Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201

Where is the start/finish line located?

The Mississippi Blues Marathon start/finish and festivities will take place at the Mississippi Capitol Complex, located at the intersection of George Street and Congress Street on the East side of the Capitol Complex.

Is it a challenging course?

Get ready for a rolling course with approximately 600 feet of cumulative elevation gain in the marathon.

Are Pets allowed on course?

We love Fido, but this events is for runners and walkers only.  No Pets, Please!  

Will prize money be available to the winners?

In the past we have offered a substantial prize purse for our top finishers. Beginning with the 2014 event, we have decided to use that money to bring in more music and develop other features that more of our runners will enjoy.

Is this a certified course?

The Mississippi Blues Marathon and Half Marathon and 10K have been certified by USATF.

Are Baby Strollers Allowed?

Yes, they are allowed but please start in the back of the field of runners so you do not imped runners.  

Will the race have chip timing?

Yes. All of the events use ChronoTrack bib chip timing with splits being taken at several points on the marathon and half marathon courses. The relay division will have a single chip that team members will wear and hand off at the relay locations. This ensures each participant has an accurate finish time and results are immediately available.

Is there a time limit for the marathon? half-marathon?

There is a seven-hour time limit for both the marathon and half marathon. The course will close at 2:30 p.m. Participants who are still on the course at that time will be allowed to finish, but will do so at their own risk without law enforcement or volunteer support.

Is the event walker-friendly?

Walkers are welcome in either the marathon or half-marathon. Walkers must maintain a 15:00/mile pace to complete the marathon within the seven-hour time limit.

How many aid stations will there be on the course? What race drinks and supplements will be provided?

Aid stations will be placed approximately every 2.0 miles on the courses and every mile for the last five miles. Aid stations will supply both water and Gatorade Endurance. GU Entergy Gel will be available at miles 8 and 16 of the marathon and mile 7 of the half-marathon. Medical support will be available at the 5, 10, 15 and 20 mile markers. Portable restrooms will be in close proximity to all aid stations.

Will there be gear-check stations?

Bag check will be available at the start/finish area. Look for signs indicating the location.

How do I register?

Online registration is available for all races (marathon, half marathon, relay, 10K) by clicking here.

Will there be medals for every finisher?

Yes. Our award-winning medals will be presented to all marathon, half marathon and quarter note finishers. A special relay finisher's medal will be presented to all relay team members, so we encourage relay teams to cross the finish line together to receive the medals.

Will you have a pre-race dinner?

We do not offer a pre-race dinner so that you can enjoy some of the pre-race dinner specials created by Jackson restaurants, many of which are walking distance of our hotels. Dinner specials will be listed in the race information included in your packet. Click here to view a list of local restaurant menus and cuisines.

Pre Race Packet Pick-Up / Is there race day pickup?

Packet Pickup is strongly encouraged on Friday prior to race day. Limited race day packet pickup will begin Saturday 5:30 - 7 a.m from the Ole George Street Tavern 416 George Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201.  

Please be sure to bring a photo ID for packet pickup! 

If you plan to pick up a packet for a friend or family member, please bring a photo of their driver's license as proof. The easiest way is to text a photo of your driver's license to their phone to show us. 

Packet Pick-Up hours are:

Friday, February 21st , 2025 - 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m at Buffalo Peak Outfitters!

If you cannot make Friday, Saturday is available on a limited based from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. near the Start / Finish Line!

Can I pick up a friend or family member's packet if they cannot make it to Buffalo Peak Outfitters on Friday?

Yes, If you plan to pick up a packet for a friend or family member, please bring a photo of their driver's license as proof. The easiest way is to text a photo of the driver's license to their phone to show us. 

Will there be music entertainment as part of the event?

The Blues were born and raised in the great State of Mississippi, so it's especially fitting to showcase our heritage. Participants and spectators alike will enjoy a great mix of authentic blues music showcasing the rich history, heritage and culture of this time-honored genre of music. Musicians will be playing at the Expo, at multiple locations along the course and at the start/finish area.

What's the weather like in Jackson in February?

Average October temperatures range from 60 degrees for the daily high to a low of 40 degrees.

How does the relay competition work?

You have the opportunity to participate in either corporate or open relay teams. Teams are limited to five competitors. The first four competitors will complete five miles and pass their chip off at the 5, 10, 15 and 20 mile marks. The final competitor will complete a 10K (the final 6.2 miles of the course). Teams are encouraged to re-unite in the final 1/4 mile to finish together, receive their finisher medals and take finish line photos. You can register online for the relay event.

Maps will be available showing the relay hand-off locations around the course. We do not provide transportation for relay teams. We recommend that team members share a vehicle. The easiest way to complete the event is to drop off the initial runner at the starting line, then for the remaining team members to drive together to the first transfer point at the five-mile mark. When the first runner comes in, the next runner can start and all remaining team members can then drive to the next transfer point at the ten-mile mark, and so on through the course.

Can I wear headphones or use a cell phone in the race?

The safety of all participants is our primary concern, and devices such as headphones, cell phones, and iPods can cause problems along the course. We ask that, if you do plan to use an electronic device, please do so with caution and be respectful of the other competitors.

When does the race start?

Physically challenged start: 7:20 am

Marathon & Half-Marathon Marathon Relay start: 7:30 am

10K & 5K: 8:00 am

BB KIds Half Mile Fun Run: 10:00 am

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