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Walk, run, bike, swim, stand up paddleboard, treadmill run, etc. While outdoor activities are encouraged, we understand that is not always possible. Movement is the goal so as long as YOU are the motor for that mile, it counts.

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Answer: No!! Healthy heart supports a healthy brain. Our goal is to get everyone moving and actively thinking about their brain health and their loved ones for 35 days. Every day you move at least one mile, you are contributing to that goal and to your own brain health.


What kind of activity counts?

Walk, run, bike, swim, stand up paddleboard, treadmill run, etc. While outdoor activities are encouraged, we understand that is not always possible. Movement is the goal so as long as YOU are the motor for that mile, it counts.

If this is a fundraiser, why do I have the option to earn my money back?

Healthy heart supports a healthy brain. Our goal is to get everyone moving and actively thinking about their brain health and their loved ones for 35 days. Every day you move at least one mile, you are contributing to that goal and to your own brain health.

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