Albemarle, NC US 28001
The Uwharrie Dash Push-up & Plank Challenge is Back!
Its 2023 and 23 Days of Push Ups and Planks!
The popular challenge was a success, with many people adding pushups and planks to their regular exercise routine after the challenge ended.
Beginners: We will start with 10 Push-ups and 20 seconds of Planks on Day 1. During the course of 23-Days we will slowly build up to get you to 35 push-ups and 2:30 of planks by the 23rd day. Anyone can start this challenge and go at your own pace. You can do modified planks and push-ups. You can also, split up your pushups and planks. Remember, everyone starts at a different exercise level. The goal is to improve from where your own starting point.
Experienced: Customize your challenge. Example: If you are already doing 0-pushups and 2:00 planks a day, challenge yourself to get to 50 pushups a day and 5:00 minutes of planks.
Uwharrie Dash 23-Day Push-up and Plank Challenge Workout
Record your workouts daily on the results section on Runsignup.
As you build up your strength you will find that you will be able to do, what you did not think was achievable. It is ok to break up your push ups if needed. IF you struggle, rather than stop, it's best to take a breather, get back at it and finish them up.
Proper Push-up technique: Everyone in this challenge will start from a different level. Here's a video on the proper form. As you progress through the challenge, set a goal of improving your form. Proper Push-up Form
Modified Push-Ups Here's a link to how to do modified push=ups: Modified Push-Ups
Planks are great for your abs and upper body. Here's a video to help with your form: Modified and Regular Plank Form
You can break up your planks. Example, when you get to 2:00 minutes, you can do a 1:00 minute plank in the morning and a 1:00 minute plank in the evening.
The Challenge starts on February 1st. However, you can start it any time after that day. I will have a google docs sheet set up so you can check your progress daily to help keep you accountable and motivated. Plus, we will e-mail a calendar with the details of the challenge to you.
Also, we are accepting donations for the Albemarle Parks and Recreation to enhance their parks, trails and more.
The 22-Day Challenge Worksheet
Everyone is different and is starting at a different fitness level. Do the best you can. We are in this challenge together.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.