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AFTT Weekend Warriors Challenge (Virtual)

Sat December 12, 2020 Belmont, NC 28012 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


4805 S. New Hope Rd.
Belmont, NC US 28012




  • We know this year has presented many cancelled races and events....we want to help you finish your year Stronger!!
  • We are excited to bring you a VIRTUAL event you have time to prepare for, Complete the race, submit your official tracked times & photo and receive a Finishers medal! 
  • You guys will love these options! 
  • You have an option:
    • to sign up to Run or Walk a 5k distance
    • or sign up for the Ruck Portion 5k distance
    • Your official time must be tracked & submitted for us to know you completed the race to receive a top placement prize. 
    • If you wish to do both, You must sign up for BOTH of the options & pay the race entry fee for both as they are separate events.
      • submit each tracked distance & time for the 5k Run or Walk as you will be testing yourself on your speed!
      • And for the Ruck, you will wear a backpack with a 10 pound  minimum in it if your bodyweight is up to 150 pounds or a 20 pound minimum  if your bodyweight is 151 or above. The Morning of the race, You will receive RUCK challenge instructions for the exercises you will do along the way and track with a program of your distance & time & pics to submit to our email to be considered for a top placement!
  • You will submit your official tracked times & photos to our race email by 12/13/2020 at 11:59pm to

(**Disclaimer: About Face Total Training, it's coaches, cadets, owner(s), or any entity associated with AFTT is not responsible for injuries, or anything related to physical harm during the race events. Please be mindful and follow all CDC recommendations and any guidelines in the area where you complete your race, regarding covid-19 and protecting yourself and others from spreading the virus.**)

Race Contact Info

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