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Firecracker 10K Run it during September on your schedule

Tue September 1 - Wed September 30 Brevard, NC 28712 US Directions


Firecracker 10K virtual Run

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Depot on Railroad
Brevard, NC US 28712


So here is our new (revised/revised/revised) plans

We are definitely not letting the Virus win and are adding an additional, though we are bowing to sensible virtual rules.

During September you can run:


The White squirrel 5K run and post your time to Runsignup.


The Firecracker 10K run and post your time to Runsignup.

Prizes, shirts and other goodies can be collected on certain dates or will be sent to you

We are also offering the opportunity for a few runners to prep for these longer distancing through Zoom meetings with Coach Gordon

During October

Saturday, October 31 – Flight of the Vampire – everyone will be really fed up by then and this will probably be an amazing number of people.

All the courses start and finish at the New Depot in downtown Brevard on Railroad Ave.

The new courses treat the runners to a mix of historic homes, the railroad arts district, farm land and the scenic beauty of the Sylvan Valley and the surrounding mountains.


Costs vary for each race; Other special group rates and Veteran rates on RunSignup

Sign-up for all the races at White Squirrel Firecracker Flight of the Vampire

Race Contact Info

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