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Run for Recovery - Carolina Recovery Community

Sat October 5, 2019 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 US Directions



Old Well on Cameron Ave, UNC Campus
180 E. Cameron Ave
Chapel Hill, NC US 27514


Put down the bottle and lace up your sneakers for the Carolina Recovery Community's first-ever Run (or Walk) for Recovery. Our goal is to further the steps we’ve already taken to support students recovering from substance use disorder on UNC’s campus. Addiction is a deadly disease when left untreated. But building community and awareness can help, and there is a road to recovery for anyone who wants to take it. Walk/run the path with us by participating in our 5K through campus on October 5th!

Register by Sept. 20th to guarantee your Shirt Size

Packet Pickup will be at Fleet Feet in Carrboro, on Friday Oct. 4th from 3pm-7pm. 

About the cause: All proceeds will go to support students in recovery at Carolina (i.e.students copays for therapy, need-based financial aid, rent, books, further growth in leadership and recovery in higher education conferences)

Make a direct gift to the Carolina Recovery Community Fund


Top 3 male and female overall finishers
Don't expect to be in the top 3? No worries! We have plenty of prizes and give-a-ways. Make sure to hold on to your bib number because we will be doing a raffle at the end of the race.  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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Important Race Day Information

Packet Pick-up: 3 – 7 PM on Friday October 4th at Fleet Feet in Carrboro. (If you cannot make it, you can pick up your packet Saturday morning before the race at the registration/check-in table. Since the race is early in the morning we encourage as many as possible to pick up their packets on Friday before the race.

Time: Check-in/registration begins at 6:30 AM on Saturday October 5th. The race starts at 7:30 AM. Please look for the registration table when you arrive at the Campus Y (click the link to open in Google maps or refer to map below detailing where we will be set up). You can’t miss us; we will be playing music and have vendors set up.


Food and Coffee Provided: Coffee and bagels will be provided by the Root Cellar as well as water, Gatorade, fruit, and snacks

Location: The race starts and finishes on Cameron Avenue right near the Old Well at the Campus Y on UNC Campus.

Parking: Public parking is available in Wallace Parking Deck. You will need to pay hourly for this lot. (See map below or click link above to open in google maps). Follow the arrow across McCorkle Place and the Old Well is on the other end, opposite of Franklin Street. Or search the Campus Y in google maps on your phone after you park and follow directions to the Campus Y. You will see the Old Well.


Weather: The forecast is looking perfect for our run Saturday morning! Low of 57 and a high of 75. This event is rain or shine, if for some reason the weather changes.

Race Route: See below race route. There will be volunteers throughout the route to ensure everyone stays on the course!


Prizes/Awards: The top 3 male and female participants will receive awards. We also have 15 prizes which we will raffle out at the end of the race. Please keep your race bib handy to win the raffle!

Root Cellar Discount: Take your race bib to Root Cellar on Saturday at any time and receive 20% off your order.

All funds raised for this event will support local recovery efforts in the year to come. Thank you again for your support. We hope you enjoy the 5k!



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Race Participant Survey

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