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Sat October 4, 2025 Charlotte, NC 28213 US Directions
Countdown to Race Day


Walk for Independence- Registration & sponsor a low vision team member to join the walk!

($0: Ages 0 - 5) ($15: Ages 6 - 18)
9:00AM EDT Registration ends October 4, 2025 at 7:00am EDT

Walk For Independence

($0: Ages 0 - 5) ($15: Ages 6 - 18)
9:00AM EDT Registration ends October 4, 2025 at 8:00am EDT

Support Us From Home

$25 9:00AM EDT Registration ends October 3, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Eastway Regional Recreation Center 3150 Eastway Park Drive
Charlotte, NC US 28213


Join our 3nd Annual Braille Trail Walk For Independence! 

October is Blind & Disability Awareness Month!

Join us on Saturday, October 4, 2025, at 9:00am for our 3d Annual Braille Trail Walk for Independence benefiting Lions Services Inc., a 501(c)(3) based in Charlotte, N.C. This is a fun Walk event for walkers and families. Attendees will complete a 2 Mile Walk on paved trails at the Eastway Regional Recreation Center surrounded by scenic nature preserve and wetlands. This gathering aims to bring together individuals from the community who either experience low vision, have a disability or have a loved one affected by it. Everyone is welcome to participate. Volunteers will be available if you need a walking guide. 
We invite everyone from Charlotte and surrounding areas to join this FUN family event. Participants can choose between walking in person or virtual all while helping enhance programs for blind and visually impaired adults. We look forward to walking alongside you on October 4th! 


YOU can make a difference! Support our cause and help create greater INCLUSION for people who are blind and visually impaired.
Proceeds from the 2025 Walk for Blind Independence support the mission of Lions Services: Empowering people who are blind to achieve personal and economic independence by providing them with vocational rehabilitation and employment opportunities. Our Goal is to raise $75,000, your presence and support will make all the difference. Join us to support and build a brighter future for the visually impaired and blind community. Let's raise awareness and funds to sustain and expand jobs, technology training, orientation and mobility training using a cane or guide dog, and wellness programs at Lions Services for greater INCLUSION!  
Become a Fundraiser - Please consider starting a fundraiser, set a goal, then ask friends, family members, colleagues and associates to donate to your fundraiser on our run-sign up page. 
Every step we take, every dollar we raise, puts people with vision loss further on the path to independence!



All participants and volunteers are welcome to stay for CELEBRATION at the Indoor Event Hall with refreshments and snacks, music and giveaways. 


To be announced closer to the date of the event.



8:30AM Packet pick-up
8:40 Announcements/Welcome remarks 
8:55AM Participants line up
10:00AM- 1:00PM- Indoor Event Hall with food, music, and giveaways.
1:00PM Event Closes


Race registration is non-refundable. Event will be held rain or shine unless there is severe weather such as thunderstorms, etc. Should we cancel, you will be notified via social media, our website and email. Cancellation due to inclement weather will not constitute a refund, nor a transfer.      

THANK YOU to our Sponsors for helping us make the event possible!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Fundraiser Incentives

Fundraising Incentives!

Become a fundraising individual or team online OR make a donation in one of the following increments! (1 bag per Fundraising Team )

Ask your friends, family and coworkers to join you by registering for the walk and donating to your fundraiser. Simply register online under your team and start raising money to win prizes: 

Raise $1,000+: Large camouflage backpack crafted by visually impaired associates.

Raise $500: Medium camouflage backpack made by visually impaired associates.

Raise $250: Small camouflage backpack made by visually impaired associates.


To become a fundraiser, click on the 'Become a Fundraiser' click here:


Backpacks will be available for pick up the morning of the walk or at Lions Services the week of the event. Thank you for your support!


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