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Brewery Event 2022

Sat May 21, 2022 Cornelius, NC 28031 US Directions


Brewery Event 2022

4:00PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


10228 Bailey Rd
Cornelius, NC US 28031



To all the Fighters,

Fight the Good Fight is committed to the fight against brain cancer and committed to hosting quality events to raise awareness and funds for the cause. The FTGF board has decided to change the focus for the 2022 event. Our annual Fight the Good Fight 7k is scheduled for May 21, 2022, but with much consideration to the planning efforts of the event, we are making a change to the event. Instead of hosting the run/walk, we are going to host a social gathering event at Eleven Lakes Brewing in Cornelius. One of our goals year after year is to provide our Fight the Good Fight family and friends the opportunity to get together.  Other goals are to raise awareness for the brain cancer community, and to raise funds for our scholarship program.  We feel this event will still provide us the opportunity to do all three of those things.  In collaboration with Eleven Lakes Brewing, we will provide live music, food trucks and activities for the kids. We are still asking everyone to register for the event so we have an accurate headcount.  Each registered attendee will receive a full souvenir pint glass (first beer is free) and the opportunity to spend an afternoon with fellow fighters.

We plan to bring back the Fight the Good Fight 7k run/walk in 2023 on May 20th.  You will have the opportunity to sign up for the 2023 event during the 2022 event for a discounted rate. Thank you very much for your support as we make this little change.

#noonefightsalone #fightthegoodfight #joinus #gograyinMay #braintumorawareness

Fight The Good Fight is dedicated to serving those in our community affected by brain tumors. Our Mission is to raise awareness of brain tumors in our community by hosting charity events such as our annual 7k. We are committed to maximizing financial relief for brain tumor patients with grant opportunities. Our long-term goal is to start monthly support groups for brain tumor patients and their caregivers. This support group will provide resources and tools to help their fight against brain tumors. It will also give them an opportunity to connect with other brain tumor patients and caregivers in a family friendly environment.

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