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Duke EIM Virtual 5K Final Dash

Fri November 13 - Sun November 22 Durham, NC 27708 US


Durham, NC US 27708


Take a break from end-of-semester studying and recharge for finals by signing up for Duke EIM’s Final 5K Dash! From November 13th to November 22, complete a 5K in any form, any time frame that suits you best. Connect with other Duke students via our Strava group, or check out our selected routes in the Duke-Durham area. Registration is free and ongoing!

The link to sign up is: 

Join our Strava group here: 

We are excited to get moving, get some fresh air, and get ready to crush this semester’s final exam season! 

Possible Routes:

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

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