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Squealin' for a Cure 5K Glow Run/Walk

Sat March 10, 2018 Kenansville, NC 28349 US Directions


5K Glow Run

8:00PM EST

Diaper Dash (ages 1-3)

7:30PM EST
Open to ages 1 - 3.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


South Main Street
Kenansville, NC US 28349


Multiple UV Active Paint & Paint Powder Stations on the route
Multiple Black Light Stations on the route

The Squealin’ for a Cure 5 K Glow Run is back again! This event is hosted by the Smithfield Hog Production Relay for Life team, and timed by Run the East. The route is through downtown historic Kenansville and surrounding residential areas. Black light areas and UV active paint & paint powder stations will provide entertainment along the route. Food, a DJ and a Glow Slime making tent will keep you busy at the start/finish area. This family friendly event offers a little something for everyone while providing a challenging route for the serious runner.

Entry Fees:
$25 online, $30 day of race
$15 for ages 4-10 (online), $20 day of race for ages 4 to 10
Ages 3 and under Free of Charge

* T-shirts only included with registration if registered by 3/1.

Diaper Dash: Open to 1 to 3 years olds. The approximately 50ft event will be held on the grass outfield and all participates will receive a goodie.

Fun Run: For children between ages 4 -10 years old. The 1 mile route will include part of the 5 k route and will be a through part of historic Kenansville. Top three runners will receive special recognition, but all participants will be awarded.

5 K Age Categories:
15 & under, 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56 & over
Awards will be given to the top 3 runner in each category

Packet Pickup & Registration:

Friday 3/9    12 noon - 7 pm @ Smithfield Hog Production Office, 785 Highway 24/50 East, Warsaw, NC 28398

Saturday 3/10    5:30 – 7 pm @ the event (Kenan Park)

Schedule of Events:
Race Packet Pick-up & Registration: 5:30- 7:00 pm
Survivor Ceremony: 7:00 pm
Survivor Lap: 7:15 pm
Diaper Dash Start: 7:30 pm
Fun Run: 7:30 pm
5 K Run/Walk: 8:00 pm
Award Presentations: 9:00 pm

You can help light the route to a cure for cancer and honor loved ones who have battled the disease. During Squealin' For a Cure's 5K Glow Run/Walk, your luminary will help light the course that our runners and walkers will travel through the town of Kenansville. Lights of HOPE will be lit at nightfall to honor cancer survivors or in remembrance of those who have lost their battle with cancer. These lights will glow throughout the race event, serving as a reminder of the purpose for Relay for Life.

Luminary tags can be purchased for $5 each.

Duplin County Trifecta Series Information
Are you looking for a fun way to stay fit this spring? Join the Duplin County Trifecta 5k Series.  The series consists of 3 races on 3 different courses in Duplin County. Each of the three races, each with different themes, and each with a healthy living focus. Run one or better yet run all three 5K’s and earn a special medal.  
Event Details and Schedule

Race 1: Squealin for a Cure-March 10, 2018- The first race in the series will be a night time run, so don’t forget to make those costumes Glow!

Race 2: BES Panther Pride Blast from the Past 5K- April 14, 2018- Join the Panthers in a trip back in time. Dress in your favorite decade for a fun Saturday morning run.

Race 3: JSCC Spartan 5K- April 27, 2018- Come join the Spartans for this family friendly Friday night race.

Get your teams and costumes together and come have fun!

Sign up for each of the three 5K races at Run the East and your medal will be at the final event on April 27th. (Medals only for participation in 5K events only)

Safety Information:
This event is rain or shine, please dress accordingly.
Well-behaved dogs on leash are permitted.
Strollers are promitted.
Headphones are strongly discouraged for your safety.

Come out in your best/wackiest glow attire!

Parking is available at all public parking areas in Kenansville, as well as local businesses that are closed.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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