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Sat September 21, 2019 Mount Olive, NC 28365 US Directions



9:00AM EDT

5K w/o shirt

9:00AM EDT


9:00AM EDT


634 Henderson St.
Mount Olive, NC US 28365


2nd Annual BOLD Run 5k & 1 mile Run/Walk
Hosted by Providence UMC BOLD Youth for domestic missions. Saturday, September 21, 9:00 AM on the campus of The University of Mount Olive.
All monies will go toward funding for our Youth's July 2019 mission trip. Please come help and support our youth wanting to make a difference!

NEW this year we will be offering breakfast after the race! Come enjoy eggs, fresh sausage from Nahunta, and doughnuts available after the race. 

5K Pre-Registration w/ t-shirt  - $30 

5K Pre-Registration w/o shirt - $25

5K Registration after September 13th - $35 (no shirts are available after 9/13)

1 Mile Run/Walk Pre-Registration - $10
1 Mile Run Walk after September 13th - $15
(No t-shirt for 1 Mile Run/Walk)

Awards will be given in the 5K for the top men and Women's overall and the top 3 men and women in each age group.
Ages groups include 14-19, 20-19, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60-over.

The 5K race course is USATF certified, partially shaded, mostly flat, and makes a single loop through the beautiful town of Mount Olive (UMO). There is also a 1 mile run/walk course which also loops around the UMP campus.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Level 2


Race Participant Survey

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