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Harvest Hope 5k

Sat October 23, 2021 Thomasville, NC 27360 US Directions


Harvest Hope 5k Run/Walk

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Harvest Hope 5k Proud in the Crowd

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT


101 Randolph St.
Thomasville, NC US 27360


Why is it essential to “Harvest Hope?” Many of our neighbors in the greater Thomasville area and across the world know the reality of food insecurity and malnutrition. For the last several years, the congregation of Memorial United Methodist Church has sought to ease the burden (if only just one meal at a time) of those in need of nourishment through two specific community events: Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) and Empty Bowls. In hosting these gatherings of friends, we have raised over $121,000 for Cooperative Community Ministry and Project Divine Interruption and packed over 110,000 meals for school lunches in Haiti. By adding a third dimension to our outreach into these areas, we hope to ensure these missions will continue to strengthen those we serve.

By joining us in a 5k or 1-mile jaunt through town, YOU are helping to Harvest Hope for others. An October event is not complete without pumpkins, treats, photo-ops, food trucks, live music, and lots of laughter! We encourage kids of all ages to wear Halloween/Fall Festival costumes. The long-sleeve t’s that participants will receive may soon become your favorite fall shirt. If you choose to wear your Harvest Hope shirt from 2019, you can opt out of receiving a new shirt and all of the proceeds from registration will go to RAH and Empty Bowls. SHIRTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE IF REGISTRATION IS COMPLETE AFTER OCTOBER 9, 2021. THIS FAMILY-FRIENDLY COURSE IS SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTEERS AND THE THOMASVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT; HOWEVER, IT IS NOT AN OFFICIALLY TIMED RACE. We hope you will appreciate that more of your registration fee can then feed families near and far.

We look forward to seeing YOU on Saturday, October 23rd. Plan to visit the pumpkin patch before and after the race to find just the perfect one for your home! Doing life together. It matters!

Race Contact Info

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