Winston Salem, NC US 27101
Let's Go the Distance for Ann Marie! Come join us at Incendiary Brewing Company (Winston Salem, NC location) for a fun 5k run/walk to support our sweet and strong Ann Marie who is currently undergoing treatment for Leukemia. We will GO THE DISTANCE to offer our support and encouragement for Ann Marie. This a non-competitive event, it will not be officially timed or recorded for results, however you are more than welcome to time yourself with the use of a personal device. Our goal for this event is to come together for a fun run/walk that will help raise funds to put towards the expensive medical bills that come along with receiving cancer treatments. All proceeds collected from the race registration and donation pages will go directly to the family of Ann Marie. We will have post race refreshments and food to share in afterwards, as well as fellowship with friends and family of Ann Marie. We would love for you to join us and GO THE DISTANCE!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.