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Thanksgiving Day Hash Run

Thu November 25, 2021 Winston Salem, NC 27103 US Directions


Free Event - Registration Required

Thanksgiving Hash Run

9:00AM EST - 10:30AM EST


Miller Park
400 Leisure Lane
Winston Salem, NC US 27103


We're hosting our annual Thanksgiving Day Hash Run to celebrate the holiday with a low key hash run of about 3-4 miles.  All paces are welcome! Due to the on-going pandemic, we're hosting the run outdoors at Miller Park again this year and will require signing up in advance to participate.  Prepackaged snacks and drinks will be available after the run. Participants are expected to follow COVID-19 safety precautions and to comply with state and local regulations.

Registration required. Signup soon!  

Location:  Miller Park Shelter #5 (located near the Queen Street parking lot - see further detail below)
Date:  Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021
Time: 9:00am  - Don't be late.  The run begins shortly after 9am once the hares have a sufficient head start.

Festive attire is encouraged if you feel inclined.  After all, it is turkey day!

About Hash Runs

Hash runs are social runs that are led by a "hare" who, given a ten minute head start, leaves a trail of flour or "hash marks" for the pursuing pack to follow. Some marks are easily found, others are more obscure and require the lead runners to split up and look in several directions. This gives slower runners a chance to catch up. Hash runs typically involve unusual areas or terrain. They are not races, but rather social runs that can be enjoyed by all levels and pacing from the elite racer to the casual runner. No great running speed or skill is required. The typical distance is 3-4 miles.

Hash Run Location

The Hash Run will start and finish from Shelter #5 at Miller Park.  Plenty of parking space is available in the parking lot off Queen Street across the street from Moore Magnet Elementary School.  Enter 2625 Queen Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 in your GPS for directions. 


Hash run Contact Info

If you have any questions about this hash run, click the button below.


Hash run Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your hash run experience.

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