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Pats Peak

Sun January 3 - Sat March 20 Henniker, NH 03242 US Directions


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


686 Flanders Road
Henniker, NH US 03242


US Ski & Snowboard Alpine races held at Pats Peak Ski Area. Athletes must ski for a NHARA affiliated club and must have a current competitor US Ski & Snowboard membership.  Registration will open at the time listed in the race icon above. Registration will be limited to 100 athletes and a first come first serve waitlist will be initiated once the limit has been reached.

All athletes must complete a COVID19 pre-screen questionnaire 48-24 hours prior to the race.  A reminder will be sent to the email entered during registration at 7:00AM 48 hours prior to the race.  Failure to respond to the questionnaire within the time limit will result in the athlete being removed from the race with no refund issued.

THE ENTRY FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE A LIFT TICKET. During the registration process you will have the option to purchase a lift ticket at the group rate offered by the Pats Peak Ski Area.  The rate is $50 for athletes under 18 years old and for athletes 18 and older the rate is $60.  This allows athletes with a season pass or other type of lift ticket voucher to opt out of purchasing a lift ticket.  Any lift tickets purchased during registration will be distributed to the Team Captain on race morning along with bibs.



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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