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Greater Derry Track Club's Kids Summer Fun Runs

Mon June 24 - Mon August 5 Londonderry, NH 03053 US Directions


GDTC Kids Summer Fun Run Series

6:30PM EDT - 6:30PM EDT


295 Mammoth Road
Londonderry, NH US 03053


Greater Derry Track Club's Kids Summer Fun Runs 2024

When: Mondays at 6:30 PM starting on June 24th and ending on August 5th.  Bib pickup will start at 6pm and a little earlier on the first night. 

Where: Londonderry High School Track, 295 Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH 03053

3 and under run approximately 50 yards, 4-6 year-olds run 200, 7-8 year-olds run 300, 9-10 year-olds run 600, 11-13 year old run the cross country mile. Anyone 14 and older does not need to register but can run the open mile after the younger runners have finished. There will also be an event of approximately 100 yards for any child not able to do the stated distance of their age group. 

Register once and keep the same number for the series. Ribbons are given out each week to all participants.

The event is free to participants but a food donation is requested each week.

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