The 20th Annual Bay Head 5k Memory Run
81 Bridge Avenue
Bay Head, NJ US 08742
The 20th Annual Bay Head 5K Memory Run.
Each year over 1,000 runners enjoy a beautiful day with the Bay Head community and a race course through this beach front town. The race is a well organized 5K walk/run on a USATF Certified Course.
Every year following the race there is a trophy ceremony with refreshments in the firehouse parking lot (PS - Be sure to stay for the prize board even if you are not a fast runner - dozens of winners will be selected at random).
Hundreds of supporters join us for the After Party at Martel's Tiki Bar on the beach in Pt. Pleasant for what has become a legendary gathering of the Jersey Shore's most fun. To purchase After Party tickets, you can purchase here or visit the Bay Head 5k Website here.
See you on Race Day!
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Race Website
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