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CRRC Virtual Club Race - 5K, 10K, or Half : 6/20 - 6/21

Sat June 20 - Sun June 21 Clifton, NJ 07013 US Directions


Your neighborhood NJ/NY
Clifton, NJ US 07013


Join us for our monthly virtual race

Distance: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon

Completion time. Race can be completed on Saturday or Sunday but we recommend starting on Sunday at 8 am as a group

Zoom meeting Starting at 7:30

Meeting-ID741 6438 2697
Meeting-Passwort  CRRC

Submit Results via Form: Participants can submit their results from their user profile, on the registration management screen, or directly on the results page or Past event. 

Then go to Race Results page after 5 mins to see results posted

or join our Strava group and we’ll get the results from there

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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