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Hanover Township Education Foundation Virtual Challenge

Thu June 24 - Wed September 1 Hanover Township, NJ 07981 US


Hanover Township Education Foundation's Inaugural Run/Walk/Play Challenge and Virtual 5K

When: Summer 2021 

Run/Walk/Play Challenge:  This year, we are opening up a friendly competition between all of our schools. Join us for a summer of recreation by keeping track of all your outdoor activities. Each time you go outdoors to run or walk, keep track of your miles and enter them into the system. All miles are accumulated automatically and associated with the school you chose when signing up. At the end of the competition, the school with the most miles will receive a monetary grant from the Education Foundation to be used as needed.  
If you choose to play or ride a bike, the activity still counts and can be entered as a "play" activity. The system will automatically calculate the miles for you.  

Virtual 5K: If you choose this option, you can run a 5K (3.1 miles) at anytime between June xx and September xx and enter your time accordingly. Any 3.1 mile course is acceptable. At the end of the summer the Education Foundation will recognize all runners with a certificate of participation.   

Bee Meadow Elementary School
Mountview Road Elementary School 
Salem Drive Elementary School
Memorial Junior School
Whippany Park High School
When registering for the Run/Walk/Play Challenge, you'll be required to select one of the schools. Each family member can pick a unique school to associate their miles with. 

MORE: If you require additional information please call Anthony Scarpino at 201-317-5794 or Jason Mariano at 973-479-2279.

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