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COVID 19 Keep 6 Feet Apart Challenge Series-2020

Wed April 8 - Sun April 12 Mantua, NJ 08051 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Anywhere you want - just remember to practice the 6 ft social distancing
Mantua, NJ US 08051


This is a Lin-Mark Sports sponsored Event whose purpose is to give you the runner/walker/biker/skater a chance to get some exercise and fun while at the same time help raise funds for our local businesses/families that need our help right now.

Pick/Enter a distance (s) below - Between April 13 and May 13 go out and run/walk/skate/bike it - then simply report your event and time on our special data recording form at:  --  All results will be in alpha order by event.  If you do not want to participate than you can simply donate.
Proceeds from this event will go to local businesses/families hit hardest by the COVID-19 shut down here in our South Jersey area.. Many of those families/businesses have given so much to support local charities over the years and are now need us to help them now.
All participants will receive a very cool T-Shirt designed by a very cool person to be named later or submit a Tshirt design that you made.
Participants that complete all three events will also receive an unbelieveable looking finishers medal..
If you raise $200 you will receive a refund on your registration.  Participants are also encouraged to refer other competitors, friends and families to register.  For each 5 individuals that register using a participants referral code, the referring participant will receive a 50% refund on their registration.

Please tell a friend - post on your FaceBook Page -do  anything to get the word out - 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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