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Veteran's Committee: Bench Press

Mon April 20, 2020 Paramus, NJ 07652 US


Veteran's Committee: Bench Press

12:00PM EDT - 2:00PM EDT


Bergen community College - Student Center
Paramus, NJ US 07652


Bench Press Procedures

Male/Female Bench Press Competition

Female Weight Class

a.Below 130

b.Above 130

Male Weight Class

a. 97lbs-Under

b. 98lbs-123lbs

c. 124lbs-158lbs

d. 159lbs-179lbs

e. 180lbs-199lbs

f. 200lbs-220lbs

g. 221lbs-242lbs

h. 243lbs-270lbs

i. 271lbs-Above

-Each participant will get officially weighed the day of competition.

-Each participant must compete in their signed weight class.

-Minimum of 5 participants in each weight class. If there are less than 5 participants in

weight class, the participants will be moved up to the next weight class.

II. Equipment

-Footwear must be worn at all times.

-Participant must be dressed in recreational attire.

-Wrist wraps or gloves are permitted.

-Weight belts are permitted.

-Not obeying by any of equipment procedures will result in disqualification from competition.

-All benches, bar, and weights will be supplied by Grove City YMCA.

III. Procedures for 1 Rep Max Lift

-Each participant will be given 3 attempts with highest weight achieved recorded.

-When participant’s weight is racked he or she will be given 2 minutes to perform first lift.

-If plates or bench shift at anytime during performed lift, the participant is given the opportunity

to reattempt same weight.

-All weight will be rounded to the nearest 5lbs increment.

-In the event of a tie, participants will attempt the lift again.

IV. Procedures for Bench Your Weight

-Each Participant will bench their body weight until failure.

-Each participant will be given 1 opportunity to record the highest number of repetitions.

-Participant with highest number of repetitions wins.

-When participant’s weight is racked he or she will be given 2 minutes to perform first lift.

-If plates or bench shift at anytime during performed lift, the participant is given the opportunity

to reattempt repetition again.

-Tie breaker will be decided by whoever lifts the higher weight.

V. Before Lift

-Only persons allowed on platform are participant, spotter, and referees.

-First loaded plate will be loaded face in and the remaining plates faced out.

-Collars will be used at all times to ensure security of the weight.

-Participants buttock, shoulders, and head must remain on bench the entire lift. Any change in

motion of participant’s body will result in failed lift.

-Participant’s feet must remain in contact with floor entire lift with no foot movement.

-Hand placement may not exceed 81cm (as marked on bar)

VI. During Lift

-Lift-off will be at arm’s length. After receiving bar participant will lower bar to their chest and

wait for referee’s signal to begin lift.

-The signal command to start lift “Press” and the command to stop the lift “Rack” will be given

by the referee.

-The referee will not give command to lift until the bar is motionless on chest.

-The referee will not give command to stop lift until full arm length is reached.

-Referee will give “thumbs up” if lift is successful and “thumbs down” if lift is unsuccessful.

VII. Disqualifications of Lift

A. Failure to observe referee’s signal

B. Any change in position or raising buttocks or head while lift in progress

C. Lateral movement of hands

D. Change in contact of feet with the floor

E. Bouncing bar of chest

F. Allowing the bar to sink into chest after referee gives signal to lift

G. Any downward motion of bar during attempt

H. Contact with bar and bench

I. Contact with bar and spotter after lift attempt has begun

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