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Walk/Run/Hike on the Wild Side - Virtual 5k for Wildlife

Thu April 22 - Thu September 30


Anywhere and Anytime You Like - It's Virtual!


HAVE FUN AND SAVE LIVES!! Run/Walk/Hike at your own pace - anywhere you want.  

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, the Mercer County Wildlife Center remains committed to providing the critical medical care and supplies needed to rehabilitate injured and displaced animals, so they can be released back into the wild. We cannot do this without YOUR help!

You can support the Mercer County Wildlife Center by joining our fun virtual walk/run/hike. Sign up and register online. Tell your friends! Take photos of yourself walking, running or hiking. Tag us at #wildlifecenterfriends AND #RunWildSaveWild. We want to see your photos, post them for chances to win from our random drawing.  

Not a walker? not a problem...consider making a tax deductible donation.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

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Race Participant Survey

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